I dislike level scaling intensely. It breaks any sense of immersion and it's done as a time-saving device for the construction of content (seriously, how many 'bandits' are there in Skyrim?). People who advocate it sight that it adds challenge to the game as you progress, but it really doesn't. It just kills the sense of acheivement when you're wearing gear that every common bandit seems to have access to.
I'm looking forward to a mod where people have actually sat down and thought about what should be where in the game world.
OK, I'll throw a dart and take this post. No offense mate

Imagine a world where everything is level 1-3. Hurray! You now have your sense of achievement!
Not good?
Imagine a world where everything is level 25+. Hurray! The scale is set way too high! But guess what, there's some challenge

Not good?
Hmm how about easy in the begining and harder in the out rims. Hurray! There's a scale! But wait, it's not realistic :rolleyes:
Not good?
Oh, how about something like Skyrim with "locked locales". Now you'll have some strong and weak where you go, and when you come back, they'll remain fairly the same. :trophy:
The thing is that each of these scenarieos presents a form of scaling. Some are rediculous; some are more feasible. But each will have someone who hates it. What folks are missing is that level scaling is a nessecary evil, especially on a computer game. Level scaling was in th eold PnP games, and it's still around in computer games. The difference is that in PnP the DM can break out of a program if it's not working, or the DM can just throw in something off-scale to keep it fresh to meet the players' needs. A computer can't do this.
Scaling is indeed a time saver; and
Scaling has been around since the dawn of PnP. It works, and it does keep things interesting. If it didn't work, it would have been phased out years ago. It's just that some implimentations of it aren't as good as others, and that when it's set in stone, or coded in a program, it will always fail since it can't adapt to meet the player's needs.
That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it!
well, until my wife tells me otherwise

edit: crap, bottom of the page. might as well throw this post in the gutter :rofl: