I hate level scaling. Why wont they just get rid of it.

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:23 am

Because plenty of people don't mind or, or even like it. :shrug:

Which is very unfortunate
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Nicole M
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:00 am

Maybe there will be an OSO (oscuros skyrim overhaul) I think his name was oscuro anyway...

But I agree, lvl scaling is kinda lame.
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Floor Punch
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:43 am

bandits wearing high end armor that is supposed to be rare - EPIC FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:40 pm

Hey idiot morrowind and fallout new Vegas had level scaling. Get your facts straight

Also I'm level 30 and bandits still have crap armor. You still run into low levels creatures and at low levels there are still creatures and dungeons that are neigh impossible. Skyrim level scaling is much improved over oblivion. It's more like new Vegas and fallout 3
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:46 am

Maybe there will be an OSO (oscuros skyrim overhaul) I think his name was oscuro anyway...

But I agree, lvl scaling is kinda lame.

Probably not. He popped into the modding forum the other day; said that Skyrim didn't need an overhaul in his opinion.

edit: wow, I'm a on a roll...2 posts, both at the bottom of pages. Throw this post away as well! :rofl:
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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:51 am

Hey idiot morrowind and fallout new Vegas had level scaling. Get your facts straight

Hey idiot. Morrowind didn't.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:39 am

bandits wearing high end armor that is supposed to be rare - EPIC FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL


have you seen bandits in skyrim wearing anything higher than nordic steel?
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Stephy Beck
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:54 pm

I went from dying in 2 hits from most enemies, to now at level 45 being able to pretty much one-shot anything but dragons and deathlords. I think some of you are just doing something horribly, horribly wrong if you think mobs are scaling with you.
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Emily Jones
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:03 pm

Hey idiot. Morrowind didn't.

actually it did, just to a very small degree
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:04 am

have you seen bandits in skyrim wearing anything higher than nordic steel?

I've seen them in Scaled, Plate, and some other mid range armor. Regular Bandits I haven't seen any that were higher then Leather.

I went from dying in 2 hits from most enemies, to now at level 45 being able to pretty much one-shot anything but dragons and deathlords. I think some of you are just doing something horribly, horribly wrong if you think mobs are scaling with you.

That might be some of the issue although some of the enemies can kill you in one hit if you aren't careful. Briarhearts come to mind as enemies that can kill you in one hit, makes me want to Rage just thinking about it.
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:20 am

I went from dying in 2 hits from most enemies, to now at level 45 being able to pretty much one-shot anything but dragons and deathlords. I think some of you are just doing something horribly, horribly wrong if you think mobs are scaling with you.

Gear is still scaled to you.
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stephanie eastwood
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:37 pm

Hey idiot. Morrowind didn't.

Oh really? I played it not that long ago and I remember higher level enemies showing up on roads and stuff when I gOt higher level. What do you call that? It didn't have loot scaling. Also morrowind everyone complained about how it was too hard at low levels and to easy at high levels. Now people like you are complaining about the solution. In conclusion it's here to stay. It sells more games (fact) and it makes for a better experience if done right like in skyrim, new Vegas, and fallout 3. If you don't like it , I suggest avoiding future Bethesda games.

Also Oscuros overhaul had level scaling. In fact te level scaling in his mod was quite similar to skyrim. Why do you think he said it doesn't need an overhaul. You whiners never stop and I can't wait till you stop playing elder scrolls and let the series move on.
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louise tagg
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:41 am

I'm more of a grammar activist. :P

I feel I need to correct the self proclaimed "grammar activist". There is nothing, I repeat, nothing wrong with starting a sentence with a conjuncture. This is some nonsense myth perpetuated by English teachers giving their students over simplified rules. Much the same reason that "I" and "me" are used incorrectly by so many people. It annoys me when people incorrectly correct other peoples grammar... :facepalm: Might not make for the most elegant writing, but there is nothing grammatically wrong with it.

As for the thread, I enjoy the Skyrim level scaling. It's better than Morrowind or Oblivion.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:58 am

Gear is still scaled to you.

randomized loot is, to some extent, but there are still static item placements, quest items, and don't forget a whole crafting system that could let you have full dragonplate pretty early if you work it right.
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:01 pm

There should be a limited scaling.

Some mobs (say bosses?) should scale to your level (with some discount, say you gain 5 level, they gain 3/4 something, or that they are at minimum -3 level compared to you?)

Full scaling is bad due to the non-combat skills counts in the level. Like 100 or even 3000 in *speech* will not help you take a down a mob in anyway. May be they should just leave the non-combat related skills outside of the actual leveling. (but that would somewhat mess up their perks system I guess... )

Or they can have a system with a combination of all the above.

1) adjust base on level (either a factor or say + / - level of character)
2) there's a minimum / max level of mobs can be.
3) calculate mobs level take into account the actual "combat" oriented levels. (say armor / weapons / spells...etc..)

So, the general result should be
1) game gets easier* as you level up.
2) not overly easy due to level - floor implemented (say boss mobs can at most -3 *combat* level of your character, while ice wolf can be -10 level?)
3) encourage player to max their non-combat related skills, as they don't count in mob difficulty level, but does help the character a little (if just for a few mp / hp ups)

Problem solve. They need to hire me, Rawr~~ :whistling:
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:59 pm

Oh really? I played it not that long ago and I remember higher level enemies showing up on roads and stuff when I gOt higher level. What do you call that? It didn't have loot scaling. Also morrowind everyone complained about how it was too hard at low levels and to easy at high levels. Now people like you are complaining about the solution. In conclusion it's here to stay. It sells more games (fact) and it makes for a better experience if done right like in skyrim, new Vegas, and fallout 3. If you don't like it , I suggest avoiding future Bethesda games.

Also Oscuros overhaul had level scaling. In fact te level scaling in his mod was quite similar to skyrim. Why do you think he said it doesn't need an overhaul. You whiners never stop and I can't wait till you stop playing elder scrolls and let the series move on.

And I cant wait till people go back to your holes and stop brushing everyone's complaints off as mere whining like an arrogant ass. The series is moving backwards in some areas anyways.
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Cagla Cali
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:53 am

Level scaling seems a lot like a Stamina System (Can only play the game until the "Stamina" runs out, then must wait until tomorrow), as in a system a lot of people hate, yet still gets include over and over again.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:20 pm

Look, let's go back to what a good game offers a player:

a) a challenge. if its too easy, you don't get the same satisfaction as hours go by as when you feel you had to work, and accomplished something after a few tries.
B) a reward. the loot at the end, or a quest-completed, etc.

But here is what is important : rewards should scale with the challenge, but challenges and thus rewards SHOULD NOT SCALE TO THE PLAYER, in a great game.

And to me the simplest way to imagine it is, indeed, that there /should be/ somewhere in the world of an open world game, a place that is waiting for you with a GIGANTIC reward. That reward is behind a GIGANTIC challenge. But NOTHING should stop you from taking on that challenge ANY TIME. (so that challenge must NOT scale). This allows somebody with enough dedication (or luck, or cheat if they choose to ruin their own single player gaming experience) to OBTAIN said item.

At some point I also do believe an open world game SHOULD indeed allow you to say "dear player, you have just become so awesomely powerful (cuz you lucked out and got Uber Weapon of Uberness early on, or earned it after 100 hours of play) that now indeed everything is as it would be if you were just at the top of the food chain.

Look, if you take a path that leads you to "you are now god, enjoy killing everyone"... guess what... the game didnt just fail you... YOU JUST REACHED THE END OF IT.

And the great thing? This isn't real life... it's a game, so you can always RE-START IT. Now take another path, another game play style.

So. What do I conclude?

Hide loot proportional to the challenge, to avoid complete luck deciding that someone suddenly 'becomes god' in a game (the same reason to make sure that the chances of Uber loot is very very small, although I think it should be non-zero). Don't sweat the exploiters and cheaters, that's their decision and while I agree it is a terrible choice to make... it is theirs (I kinda ruined oblivion when I found/stole quick tons of reloads glass armor early on, but then again I just found it by accident and I felt like I had earned it...).

Have areas of the world determined by the designers and fix them. TBH, in practice they might want to scale them within a small range (to allow tolerance for "level 10-15" to reflect various player styles).

Ensure that you do not suddenly eliminate "easy challenges", the player always should have a sense that somewhere, against some enemy, he has earned the right to just crush them (think: there should always be a stupid rat you can just squash, as a reminder of where you are)

Finally, a clever trick games can play is things like:

"Congrats, you just found Uber Sword of Uberness, but guess what, you need Health > 200 AND Stamina > 210 AND Level >10". That doesnt take away the reward, and on the contrary gives the player a reason to say "jee I better level up so I can use this awesome thing I found so early on!"

All in all, Skyrim so far I think is doing a pretty decent job. I am suffering from a moment of '[censored] everything is getting harder' now, but in fairness levels 1 to 15 felt well balanced...
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:54 pm

Everyobe forgets so quickly the complaints of morrowind. Grass is always greener on the other side. You guys can continue to whine about level scaling but it's not going to change anything. On order to have a truly open world game , level scaling to some degree is needed. Loot scaling on the other hand doesn't need to be included and I could see them coming up with a better system for that.
To the guy above me, pleaaaase don't suggest requirements for weapons. Bethesda is moving away from the numbers game with their RPGs. That is a horrible idea.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:23 am

The game would not work without it. That's why Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout: NV all had it.
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:25 am

Everyobe forgets so quickly the complaints of morrowind. Grass is always greener on the other side. You guys can continue to whine about level scaling but it's not going to change anything. On order to have a truly open world game , level scaling to some degree is needed. Loot scaling on the other hand doesn't need to be included and I could see them coming up with a better system for that.

Loot scaling was a terrible decision but at least it isn't as bad as Oblivion and thankfully not everything is loot scaled.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:18 am

Every time I see these threads complaining about level scaling, I get the feeling that the posters have not actually PLAYED Skyrim yet; they simply read it has level scaling.

It's not like Oblivion where every single mob matches your level and ability. All the scaling in Skyrim does is "unlock" new, stronger mobs that spawn along side the lower level ones the higher you go so you're not without a challenge by the time you hit level 10.

In Oblivion, every Skeleton at level 50 becomes a Skeletal Champion (or whatever the highest level skeleton was).

In Skyrim, you still get regular level 1 skeletons spawning at level 50, but you also get varying types of skeletons that are more powerful than the low level ones.

In Oblivion, when you were level 50, every bandit would have glass/daedric armor.

In Skyrim, when you are level 50, only boss level bandits will have glass/daedric armor; and only on occasion will they have an entire suit.

I like how no one even acknowledged this guy's post and just continued with the "LEVEL SCALING svckS" tirade that they started on. The fact is, level scaling in Skyrim is done very well compared to say Oblivion. It might sound great to say "get rid of all level scaling!" but think about what that really means, it means that the game can no longer be a completely open world where you can "do what you want when you want". With absolutely zero level scaling, the game becomes completely linear with areas ABC and being for levels 1-15, DEF for 16-30, and so on and so forth.

Skyrim really does level scaling perfectly. It doesn't make bandits unstoppable like Oblivion did, but it also makes it so players are free to do whatever quests they want to in whatever order they feel like (within reason, frost trolls and giants will wreck you at low levels, as they should).

Really, out of all the complaints there are to be made about this game, I think the level scaling is almost perfect in this game, with my only complaint being dragons becoming a bit too easy later in the game.
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Penny Wills
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:57 pm

The game would not work without it. That's why Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout: NV all had it.

I think daggerfall had it too
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:38 pm

Which is very unfortunate

You'll just have to get over it.
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Lucie H
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:59 pm

Yes yes yes to the guy saying how skyrims scaling is different from oblivion. Every time I read one of these threads half the complaints don't even apply to skyrim. People are still butthurt over oblivion and haven't even have skyrim a chance.
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