The Reach is beautiful, indeed! I love that area
The Reach is beautiful, indeed! I love that area
7 pm it is .....just enough time to go to the hair dressers and then go to the beauty therapist ...get her nails done ...and ouch ouch ouch waxiness self inflicted pain...pop home and get dressed up ...Yea plenty of time
.....9pm sounds better ................its a woman's provocative to be late
PS ....ummm Rick just spent everything on making my self a stunner six bomb ............I'm broke ............giggles............your paying
NOTE to all boys........... in a nut shell the above are some of the basic fundamentals of life .
Well...some people like hairy and some go through self that self inflicted pain cause they don't..... I am still convinced that a man invented as a social experiment to see if women would go through horrible self inflicted pain just to look good.... Waxing causes less pain.
well, I suppose...but I'd rather use a strait razor and deal with the nicks and cuts... ( on the legs anyway). I had a room mate that had the Epilady... used it once on my leg... she said the pain got better... umm yeah I don't think so... that was...oh 27 yr's ago.
Now their's a subject to start..."How do the Ladies and Gentleman of Skyrim deal with unwanted hair".
Back on subject...I love that Markarth feel's more like a city than some of the other's...even though I am sure that their are not more people it feel's like you are constantly running into someone.
Glad that you all are having a fun time planned ahead! After reading further into this thread, I've decided that I'm also very glad that I don't have to shave my legs.
I've spent more time in Markarth and decided that it's not really so bad after all, but it still svcks There's just something about all the stone that is just - bleak. I don't know. The quests there tend to be somewhat boring also. I will obtain Vlindrel Hall at some point, but I'm just not ready to deal with the Jarl there. He's a pompous. I will however, be assassinating the Thalmor that have taken residence near the Jarl. I do that on every play through
Just have to get my sneak up high enough.
well ya know... it's all between friends...
I have a character...upcoming.. that will be a Dwemer scholar ( started her once already though)... Markarth is the logical "home" town for her, I am just glad that their are mod's that keep some of the quest's from triggering...< sigh> still working out how she get's out "alive" from the mine, as she will only use staff's and scrolls... ( can't sneak them in)
Yes. That's one of the things I hated about Riften. Brynjolf will literally stalk you until he can deliver his sales pitch. I could accept this (and the Markarth nonsense) if these were main quests, but they're just side quests. Don't force feed me side quests!!
Just got Vindril Hall with my newest character, a male, werewolf, Bosmer hunter type who is currently decked out completely in Forsworn armor. I'm debating back and forth as to whether he will join with the Forsworn in the Cidna Mine or whether he will kill them instead. He doesn't particularly care at all for the Silver Bloods.
I did have him do the Abandoned House quest first thing though. When compelled by a daedra, who has a choice but to obey? Same thing happened with Namira's quest, though since he is a werewolf, she mistook that for some sort of cannibalistic nature.
He ended up in Markarth because after becoming a werewolf and helping Kodlak, he went away from Whiterun to try to figure things out and ended up in Riften and constantly accosted by Brynjolf, who he finally helped, but conveniently "lost the ring". He'll probably end up with the thieves guild later anyway, but it wasn't yet time. However, he ended up in the orphanage and killed that old lady because she was really mean to those kids, and then he decided he needed to get as far from the city as possible, so quickly got out of the city before anyone outside the orphanage discovered what happened and had the carriage driver take him to Markarth.
Now he's about to get into trouble there too, despite doing quests for the Jarl an becoming Thane and homeowner. He's also feeling weak compulsions in the direction of Dawnstar after the courier dropped off a flier concerning a museum in that area, but for now, he's still in Markarth.
Such a convoluted place! I think in some ways, the city is worse than Riften.
Not sure what this character will do about the Thalmor there. I think he got in trouble with them as well back before coming to Skyrim...wouldn't surprise me at least.
That's how I deal with those two.
Well this thread inspired me to buy my current character's first home in Markarth. Since he always goes back there to sell and organize stuff after various adventures, it's really helped me to better learn the layout of the city. I still get a bit turned around when going to places, but not nearly so often as before this experiment. I wanted to get away from always getting the Whiterun house first and wanted to pick a place that was more unfamiliar to me as a player. My previous character chose Windhelm, so this character got Markarth! Seeing that he is a wild, werewolf Bosmer sort completely decked out in Forsworn armor and headdress, it seemed fitting. Oh and of course he loosed Madenach back into the world.
I don't know, anything's better than Dawnstar or the ultra bleak and slightly creepy Winterhold.
I get lost in Markarth regularly but I do like the place.
I just got a house there and I'll probably never find it again.
I have to use console commands to find my fence there every time I visit.
The place I least like is Falkreath because they're all so miserable there...maybe it's all the dragon attacks.
Easiest way to find Vlindrel Hall (aside from installing the house markers mod): Go to Understone Keep (fast travel marker there), from outside by the guards, turn right, head that direction on that level until you get to a set of steps to the left going up; go up steps, turn right, should be able to see the porch from there. If I haven't forgotten a set of steps (might have, not in game - I'll go check....)
Actually yes, I forgot a set, you'll go up a short flight between the Keep and Nepo's house, and then back down a short flight before you turn to the left to go up, which drops you out on the doorstep!
Now, I never realized until just now - but from the landing where you turn left, you can see the Markarth front gate - and if you head down to the right from there, it's not too big a mess to get to the "market area" right at the gate....
Easiest way for me to find the house is to fast travel to the city so that you appear inside the front gate. To the right of the gate behind the meat vendor and Arnleif & Sons is a set of stairs going up. Go all the way up the stairs and reach the landing corridor, keep to the right, and then take the first set of stairs going up to the right. At the top of those stairs is Vindril Hall. You'll pass Ogmund's house at the landing corridor. If you see Endon's house, you went straight instead of right.
It's basically like going behind the trader and taking a spiral staircase right up to your house. Very easy!
As many hours I've played this game I still find Windhelm a pain. Takes me awhile to get around and find stuff. Annoying.
You beat me to it, that's the way I use.
I'd never even noticed that before tonight! But generally I'm heading for the Keep and/or the blacksmith and/or one of the temples. So going to the house from the Keep made sense to me....
It took me quite a while to notice it. I had previously been starting at the Keep like in your directions since otherwise I'd never find it, but then one day I noticed the stairs behind the vendors and wondered where they went and to my surprise, I ended up at Vindril Hall! Plus I'm always pestering Lisbet about buying lots of junk.
My character just completed exploring the dwarven ruins in Markarth. I'd forgotten how huge they were in there! It was pretty fun sniping at the Falmer though, and Calcemo was very happy that that annoying spider would no longer be bothering his research! Plus, my character probably needs to do a few thane duties every now and then.
That was my experience the first time I bought that house, too! I have not bought it again, since
Where I really get messed up is trying to get from the Temple of Dibella after waking up after my drinking with Sam. I have yet to remember which way the down stairs are
I just jump. It's very good to feel the air in my lungs while I still have air in them. Borgakh doesn't like me having fun without her, so she punishes me if I do.
Markarth- obviously the most saddest excuse for a city.
whenever I go there, no living being remains alive.. except the non-killable " essential " npc's.
but I also Ignore that city as much as possible.