I Hate the Dwemer

Post » Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:58 pm

I like the Dwemer. They were jerks to other races, true, but at least they didn't thinly rationalize their jerkiness with a smokescreen scripture about the importance of love. They just got on with their jobs.

And their mechanical thematic makes them unique and intriguing. In a world full of gods of all shapes and colors they chose to make their own. I like their style.
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Kayleigh Mcneil
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Post » Sun Aug 19, 2012 5:02 pm

I wouldn't say I hate them, but I do not find them interesting. I do not like their architecture. It's too...Jyggalag'y. I also find their reliance on machinery to be a weakness. What's wrong with the good ole fashioned by-the-strength-of-your-back work? I'd rather lay bricks by hand than let a machine do it for me. Where's the pride in that?
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gemma king
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