Great. Takes care of something nasty, I guess.
"Something nasty is living just around the corner from here."
I can tell.
I think the settler has the gift from Mama Murphy but it only sees one minute into the future.
nah~ seen better, the one with Cait being svcker punched by a Legendary Feral...
I clicked the link not expecting much, then nearly spat my drink all over the screen. That was pure gold! What are the chances!
OMG... funny!
"Its a shame... (Stomp... STomp...) ... such a nice place... (STOmp...STOMp...STOMP!) for a settlement."
Priceless. Question was the deathclaw the target of the quest? or did it fail then the settler died?
I love how the player just turns and runs like hell at the end 'cause he just has a crappy pipe rifle vs. a Deathclaw.
Monthy Python could have come up with that.
I think this is better than my best dialogue in any game it does not make sense unless you have done the thief guild quest line in Oblivion.
And only the glowing deathclaws are friendly not the standard ones.