I've decided, I'm actually going to do it. I'm going to do the thing I vowed never to do again. The enormity of the project, the ridiculousness of the action. It's really gonna happen. Thousands of hours played, countless nights without sleep. Yes, I'm going to do it again......I'm starting over.
The game froze on me a while back after 1,800hrs of play. The following things I believe created the permanent freeze.
- I camped too much with every single power that would let me strap a rubber band to he controller and walk away. This time around I will do this, but far less, and only when I really need to get another perk. Instead of redoing heavy armor 400+ times to get level 300.
- I filled my homes(a lot of homes) with tons and tons of stuff, I filled barrels of so many things. I have decided to limit this to only the basics. 9-10 sets of armor for various uses, and some favs....... Same with weapons. No more thousands of food, potions(maybe lots of herbs, don't know yet)
- I saved over the same file over and over again, read to make a new save every time I save.
Can you help me to figure out other ways to keep my file up and running? I don't know if I will have the energy to do near %100 of all missions(when I say %100 I mean the whole Skyrim walkthrough book cover to cover), but if I do go for it, I don't want to have to worry about it. I want this to last until Elder Scrolls VI