A console is DRM... brain exploding. Logic file not found.
The consoles also try and sell you things on the market place. Logic file not found. *self destruct activated*

I can buy a disc for my PS3, stick it in, and it'll work. Even if I'm in the middle of the Mojave, running my TV off a portable generator. No online needed.
Requiring Online access for a single player, non-online, bought on a physical disc in a physical shop game is conceptually offensive.
It's DRM, so it's not a perfect feature, but it is the least intrusive of the DRMs.
Disc check is less intrusive. Or code wheels. Or "find word X, in sentence Y, on page Z of the manual" checks. All of which I'd prefer to requiring Steam. (I'm always amazed at the people who say "It's great, I don't have to insert my disc anymore!" like inserting the disc was some kind of burden or problem. Disc checks are trivial compared to most of the modern crap they've come up with.)
And, as a random aside, the real purpose of tying games to Steam isn't the DRM - the real purpose is to remove all possibility of a used game market. Once that serial # is tied to your Steam account, that game isn't going anywhere. I'm sure they're working on how to make this happen on consoles, too.
For the record, I've got Steam, and I've used it before. It's great for what it does well (digital distribution, especially of old & indie games). But I still think forcing it's use for stuff that doesn't have any purpose being on it is absurd. I certainly don't tie any of my other store-bought games to my Steam account - that'd be incredibly stupid.