well i decided to play oblivion with a new character since the todd howard podcast of skyrim and i decided, unlike my previous 3 years of playing the game, i would not fast travel. Today while not fast travelling I found a hidden road leading away from cloud top. I followed it and it went on for a long time past a really beautiful ayleid ruin, past the hameaus mora? daedric statue, past echo cave and on to bruma. Now i have never encountered a more beautiful road/route in oblivion than that road.I really enjoyed just walking up it and looking at the scenery.
So i have decided on my first playthrough of Skyrim i am not going to fast travel at all(unless i'm in a rush).
Smart man esp as SR will be much more rewarding to run around in than OB as the world is hand crafted and there will be random encounter ala Fallout 3.
I'm not sure wether this is hijacking the post or not but I didn't wanna make a new post. Have they mentioned wethere the whole map will start off as revealed or not ?
Locations like dungeons,etc will be reveled when you find them, but the basic topography you will be able to see, unlike in MW which was blacked out untill you entered the cell, which I preferred, because I liked to visit every cell in the game world to make sure I see everything. There was a good mod for this in OB though.