I have been converted!

Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:48 am

I began fast-travelling as soon as I realized that the dungeons were mostly generic and had little else than a new layout and the same boring loot.

Now that Skyrim's dungeons are all unique, I don't plan to fast-travel. Not even if I'm in a hurry.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:44 am

Does Oblivion have that kind of mod? One that locks fast travel but offers a reasonable transportation system?

The one that resembles most to Morrowind is:

But it's kinda buggy. The author has stopped working on it.
The best bug-free and up-to-date alternative is:

The latter only offers one kind of transportation though... "travel agents". It's compatible with Better Cities too, while the first one I mentioned isn't, sadly.
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:20 pm

The one that resembles most to Morrowind is:

But it's kinda buggy. The author has stopped working on it.
The best bug-free and up-to-date alternative is:

The latter only offers one kind of transportation though... "travel agents". It's compatible with Better Cities too, while the first one I mentioned isn't, sadly.

"travel is still available as normal" :banghead: Then what's the purpose!
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Karl harris
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:45 pm

"travel is still available as normal" :banghead: Then what's the purpose!

Because there is a proper alternative.
If you wish to get rid of fast travel just for the sake of it, then you can use:
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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:55 pm

well i decided to play oblivion with a new character since the todd howard podcast of skyrim and i decided, unlike my previous 3 years of playing the game, i would not fast travel. Today while not fast travelling I found a hidden road leading away from cloud top. I followed it and it went on for a long time past a really beautiful ayleid ruin, past the hameaus mora? daedric statue, past echo cave and on to bruma. Now i have never encountered a more beautiful road/route in oblivion than that road.I really enjoyed just walking up it and looking at the scenery.

So i have decided on my first playthrough of Skyrim i am not going to fast travel at all(unless i'm in a rush).


yes its beautiful, in fact i didn't use fast travel in oblivion because i didn't know it exists xD and was awesom, until a friend who play oblivion in PC told me and destroy all the fun :cryvaultboy:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:31 pm

they had a couple of morrowind style fast travel mods for oblivion and frankly they arent the most difficult mods to make so im sure that very quickly there will be a mod available so i dont have to use the cheat map. someone said earlier that dungeons and locales will be unique this time around so there will be less temptation to use fast travel at least im hoping so. the only time i abused fast travel.......and frankly it was super abuse cause i would use the movetoqt console command were the mages guild initiation quests. i then found a mod that added spellmaking altars to chapels and didnt have to use it anymore.

skyrims improvements in other areas dwarfs the fast travel issue and it looks like i wont have the quest arrow telling me where to go all the time.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:06 am

well i decided to play oblivion with a new character since the todd howard podcast of skyrim and i decided, unlike my previous 3 years of playing the game, i would not fast travel. Today while not fast travelling I found a hidden road leading away from cloud top. I followed it and it went on for a long time past a really beautiful ayleid ruin, past the hameaus mora? daedric statue, past echo cave and on to bruma. Now i have never encountered a more beautiful road/route in oblivion than that road.I really enjoyed just walking up it and looking at the scenery.

So i have decided on my first playthrough of Skyrim i am not going to fast travel at all(unless i'm in a rush).

Smart man esp as SR will be much more rewarding to run around in than OB as the world is hand crafted and there will be random encounter ala Fallout 3.

I'm not sure wether this is hijacking the post or not but I didn't wanna make a new post. Have they mentioned wethere the whole map will start off as revealed or not ?

Locations like dungeons,etc will be reveled when you find them, but the basic topography you will be able to see, unlike in MW which was blacked out untill you entered the cell, which I preferred, because I liked to visit every cell in the game world to make sure I see everything. There was a good mod for this in OB though.
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:45 am

all in moderation, they have to make a system were people are not abusing fast-travel, maybe a system were you can only fast-travel 3 times per day.
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Jinx Sykes
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:41 pm

I don't like to fast travel, you find so many stuff just walking around
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:20 pm

I quite enjoyed not using fast travel in Oblivion and expect to do the same in Skyrim.
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claire ley
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:11 pm

A Morrowind transportation system mod will probably be one of the first we'll see, seeing how many people seem to want it.

Good news for me. Bad news for a console player... And as you say later on, those we got my modding most likely contain bugs or cause compatibility issues. Which is why I think it is so important to have something built in by the devs themselves: It becomes available to console players (don't assume *all* are casual players), and for modders it's probably easier to modify than build a system from scratch.
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:08 pm

Good news for me. Bad news for a console player... And as you say later on, those we got my modding most likely contain bugs or cause compatibility issues. Which is why I think it is so important to have something built in by the devs themselves: It becomes available to console players (don't assume *all* are casual players), and for modders it's probably easier to modify than build a system from scratch.

It all depends if Bethesda realizes that perhaps the fast travel needs some rework. Morrowind's system wasn't perfect though. It could use some rework too. But it was far better than OB's I'd have to say.

I remember some guy twittered a dev about this and he responded "Don't like it, don't use it", which is kind of sad/depressing I think. I'm hoping for Bethesda to built it in by default. If not, mods will come.
Mods would probably never be as good as Bethesda had done it though, and not available for console players as you say.
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:39 am

Yeah. I only use fast travel when I am in a rush to get a quest done. One day I found a cave full of argonian tribes. It made me lol while I was slaughtering them.
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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:09 pm

I'm not sure wether this is hijacking the post or not but I didn't wanna make a new post. Have they mentioned wethere the whole map will start off as revealed or not ?

If I remember correctly you now have to travel to a place first to be able to fast travel to it, so I assume that there is a good possibility that it's not revealed. If it's like that I'll be just about completely happy with Fast Travel as that is my only issue with fast travel besides not having other forms of paid transportation, but that's not extremely important.
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:15 pm

Fast travel to a destination is only available once you have discovered it. I agree that a lot will be missed if you use fast travel once you have that destination, I use it once I am sure I have covered everything I am likely to see on a particular trip, or if I am in a rush to get a quest done - otherwise walking and wandering is great. :)

That s one of the greatest feature in TES, the discovery part.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:41 pm

In my latest 200+ hour playthrough, I've never used fast-travel. I also use a mod (DS Time Manager) to dynamically change time to make the hours seem longer when traveling (and shorter when fighting). This makes Cyrodiil seem really large as it takes me multiple days to travel from city to city (I rest at the inns or in campsites at night). Immersion is fun indeed! :)

Map Marker Overhaul aslo controls my ability to fast travel to only a certain distance and number of times a day, if I ever decide to use it. But I like walking (or riding my horse/guar) through Cyrodiil.
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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:40 am

im going to try not to fast travel because i always have to look in all caves and dungeons i find x) :woot:
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:52 pm

I am not too concerned about this issue, as most TES games that I can remember allowed fast travel once certain destination points were discoverd.

Usually, I like to wander, and explore. However, other players have their own reasons for wanting fast travel. My best guess is that Skyrim will feature some kind of fast travel for those times players want to use it.

Glad to see the OP has discovered some of the joy of not using it exclusively.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:00 am

well i decided to play oblivion with a new character since the todd howard podcast of skyrim and i decided, unlike my previous 3 years of playing the game, i would not fast travel. Today while not fast travelling I found a hidden road leading away from cloud top. I followed it and it went on for a long time past a really beautiful ayleid ruin, past the hameaus mora? daedric statue, past echo cave and on to bruma. Now i have never encountered a more beautiful road/route in oblivion than that road.I really enjoyed just walking up it and looking at the scenery.

So i have decided on my first playthrough of Skyrim i am not going to fast travel at all(unless i'm in a rush).

By Azura, Hallelujah!! Another one has found the light. A round for the forum, on me. Good man Owaiin...good man. :foodndrink:

May your journeys from this day forth put the wind at your back and bring you treasures unseen. And may your travels from this point on be swift...but never fast. :bolt:

Stay thirsty my friend. :lmao:
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Courtney Foren
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:09 pm

It IS possible not to fast travel... because it's optional. Thank you. Great thread.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:55 pm

how about fast travel to main cities/villages/towns ONLY

and for immersion sake put horses and wagons and stuff near main city/town/villages exits, that would be soooooooooo much better than lame ass fast travel to every corner in the map.
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