Good Things about Oblivion
Good Main Quest - it wasn't good. It was passable. There were no twists, no things to uncover, a direct line with no substance.
Character Creation that was much better then Morrowind's - I wouldn't say so. You could alter the featuers on the fly, but the faces you could mod into morrowind looked much more natural. I've yet to make a good looking person in oblivion.
Awesome Graphics - subjective and ultimately irrelevant.
The size of the land itself - they're actually quite similar in size. the fact that you can run so fast in Oblivion right off the bat, there are no obstacles in terms of environment and water does not slow you down means that Oblivion actually feels smaller.
Dungeons respawned - dungeons respawned in Morrowind. have you played it?
Items were leveled scaled - how is this a good thing at all?
The Combat was excellent - the combat wasn't excellent, it was a button mash fest with attack and block as your only options. Was it better than morrowind? Yes, but that wasn't hard to do in the first place. To me the elderscrolls will always lag behind in terms of combat mechanics, it's all about exploration.
You can fast travel anywhere - again not a good thing. Good for people with ADD perhaps but not for people who wanted an immersive fast travel system like in morrowind (riding, boats, spells etc)
Bad Things about Morrowind
Texted Based lines instead of a Voice Actor talking - which means MUCH more actual diologue, and much less bad voice acting from the same 4 people.
The Combat was Horrible - Add manual shield blocking and it's oblivion.
Crappy Graphics - irrelevant.
Limited Gold - what? Do you even know what it is to have a rewarding experience? How is easy access to gold a good thing? It ruins the sense of progression you get when you finally have enough of it. I suppose it's not hard to make money though with every bandit and his mother wearing glass.
Dungeons didn't respawn - they did.
Leveled Enemies - Oblivion is the one where level scaling was more prevalent. If you mean they were leveled less in Morrowind you'd be right, and it's better for it.
Cliff Racers - A single enemy can influence a game that much? I've played morrowind for 200+ hours and I can't remember the last time cliff racers were a problem. Turn around swing, they die.
You basically have to get the game for PC
Limited Character Creation - only in the faces, and I'd argue using set models is much better than sliders.
Bugs and Glitches - which were still in oblivion.
Look, I liked Oblivion. It was a good game. It was fun and pretty and a good ride - more streamlined, more user friendly, easier to get into. What it wasn't was a lasting experience. I probably will never play Oblivion again because once you've swung your sword a few hundred times you've really done everything. With Morrowind on the other hand, everything you hear from other people is interesting. There are living gods that see their power crumbling, great houses in a power struggle, the guilds are at each others throats (literally with the fighters and thieves guild) And the temple is fighting the Nerevarine cult. it all feels like everyone has their own problems and you're the one wading through them, while in Oblivion it seems like you're the star of the show (everything leveled to you after all) and nothing in the world
matters.Did Oblivion have better Combat than Morrowind? Yes. But if I wanted to play a game with amazing combat I wouldn't be playing any Elderscrolls game. I play them for the experience I get moving through the world. I was done with Oblivion in a couple years. I'm STILL playing Morrowind because its people, location and story have
lasting value.