inb4 you don't complete Sky...oh wait. WAY too late.
Have you completed every single possible radiant quest? I and mean it... Every single possible. As in like for DBH, kill every single possible target at every single possible location with every single possible contract guy. Or for bounty quests, kill a giant, dragon, and bandit leader at every possible location you can do so at.
And the list shall go on!
Na AH Read the books and then you can say you completed 100 % Skryim... ME i′ve done it!
My Nord Dovahkiin is now settledown in his Falkreath Manor with everything done... every now and then he does a misc, quest but thats about it
Wow, that was a wasted joke. Did any of you see the connection to my post and what the OP said?
Oh well. I guess I should have posted his entire quote.
have you married a male npc with a male character?
it gave me an idea for rp; the queer necrophiliac assassin; bring all male followers to your basemant, kill them all and soultrap them, build a dibella shrine and cover it with the soulgems
In order to truly finish Skyrim, you must do all of the things you've done on every difficulty setting otherwise.... you just haven't done it all. Sorry, but keep going. I'm sure you'll get there...
So you've reached the end then? Make a story for yourself. That's what you should have been doing all along. That's what people mean by not being able to finish Skyrim. It's a game that one can mold to one's likings.
You may have viewed all that one can view, but you haven't done all that one can do.
Its impossible to know if you finished every single quest, considering there is more than 100
Uhm, female+female is exactly as homosixual as male+male. It's not like female couples invite men to join them, you know.
(But who am I to throw stones, all my Skyrim characters so far have been hetero - the women have married men and the men have married women. )
Lol at everyone saying "NO U DIDN'T" as if Skyrim isn't finite.