Yeah, you have so much houses in Skyrim, why would you need one irl?
Did you feed your Ebony Blade the blood of 10 friends to complete it?
Did you collect 1 of each book and line all the bookshelves in your houses with them, arranging them alphabetically and by type?
I've been doing this for a while and I'm still not done.
Types I've organized into:
Spell Tomes, each shelf(ves) dedicated to one school of magick.
Skill Books, get at least one copy of 5(?) books that would raise a particular skill.
Fictional/Recreational works
Historical References (Lore Books)
Religious Works (Lore Books)
Rare (Ohgma Infinium, The Dreamstride, Boethias Proving but there is more than 1....any large journals from quests)
I still don't have them all.
You guys are seriously going to nitpick with clothes and books? Hell its an accomplishment getting that far. In my book you're Skyrim complete, a tall task indeed.
+1. Or as my friend Pseron Wyrd has been saying for years: "You don't 'beat' an Elder Scrolls game, you live it."
Nope, and it's why I have more friends, a new girlfriend, and am about to be an owner of a new house.
Not really, the whole point of the conversation is that the game is so vast with so many things you can do, can anybody ever say that they've 100% completed the game?
Sure you can if you say get the Platinum trophy on PS3 (vanilla only) plus all DLC trophies. Or get every achievement on 360. Steam has achievements too. Those are measurable. However that only scratches the surface. Collecting all the books to have a Complete collection is one thing. On top of that you can acquire all recipes, all journals, etc. Completely kill all killable NPC's, etc.
There is a difference, but regardless of what the person has done if they 100% complete the game in the sense of measurable statistics, that is surely a huge accomplishment. I will say, all on 1 character is another accomplishment all together (though imo, it is quite a bit easier to do that in Skyrim than it is in previous Bethesda titles such as Oblivion, Fallout 3, or New Vegas....Fallout 3 was technically impossible to do all on 1 character.
But do you have them on display?
No seriously, congratulations on the accomplishment. I'm still working on it myself...have about 3 Daedric artifacts to go (technically 2, I have the Rueful Axe but I won't complete the quest until I do the other 2...doing my best to avoid the glitch).
Oh look, another person claiming to have finished the game
Now theres only one thing left to do. Don your best set of armor, get your best weapon(s), make one last save, exit your house and go on a mass killing spree. Take out everyone and everything thats not essential. For those that do survive, make them bow to you and live in the ruins thats left of Skyrim after you're done. Then save again so you can't turn back. When all thats done, make a new character and start again