Then this fateful day we happened on a fort occupied by bandits, we were just going to go around the fort to avoid confrontation, I only have light armor and one handed is still a little rusty, no chance, the bandits had moved around to the rear and also in front, I suppose in hindsight getting off the horse was a foolish move, but I did not think to sprint the horse at that time, so now I'm battling 3 bandits, an archer and a pair of two handers, as if this was not enough a pair of ice wolves decide to join the fray, fortunately for me they attacked the bandits first, with the help of the wolves I took down two of the bandits only to see the third put a last arrow into my horse and it fell, I saw red, killed the two wolves because they were now attacking me, then the archer, but my revenge was not over, I went through the entire fort and massacred every bandit I could find.
Oddly enough I would not normally win in those circumstances as I put most of my skill/perks into sneak and archery, but nothing was going to stop me getting revenge, after the last bandit fell, I felt no satisfaction as my horse lay dead outside.
So as the thread title states, have you lost it?, tell us about it.