Have Faith in Crytek

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:56 am


I know, a lot of people said 'OMG I WILL CANCEL MY PREORDER BECAUSE ITS A CONSOLE PORT' or sth. similar.. but:

Wasn't it Crytek that gave us the amazing experience with Crysis 1?
Do you really think, everything Cevat said was a lie?
( He said, they try to push the boundaries again and make a game that's even better than crysis 1 )

All I have to say:

STFU (sry) & wait for the final release.
All your hopes of good graphics, etc. WILL come true. (at least for PC :P )

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Adam Baumgartner
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:45 pm

I have faith in crytek...but not in Sony xDD
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:06 pm

I did have faith in Crytek. Almost every bit of information that was revealed by Crytek has been a disappointment or betrayal. With only a week until release, it's not likely that the final product will improve so dramatically as to reverse all the disappointment encountered so far. The only thing that will change is graphics with the DirectX 11 patch. However, Crysis is NOT all about the graphics. The gameplay is broken beyond repair.

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CSar L
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:23 pm

I agree with you that people have been a little hard on Crytek leading up to this game. I have been one of those guys complaining about Crysis 2 going to the consoles and worrying that Crytek will abandon the PC fans, but i think that this fear is unfounded. Crytek has given us many great games over the years and I have little doubt that they will continue to do so. They have asked for our input from the beginning of development and if we just wait for the final product i am sure that we will be pleased with the end result.
Crytek has not let us down before and I doubt they will now.
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Red Sauce
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:18 pm

So here are my 2 cents about the whole Crytek "selling out" business: (cross-post from OCN)

PC gaming market is a niche market.
Companies need money.
Catering to niche markets doesn't generate money.
Ergo developing games to cater to PC gamers won't generate the revenue companies are after.

Unfortunate but true.

To play the best looking PC game I have to play a game from 2007 (Crysis 1) which is sad. The market has stagnated and probably wont be revitalized until the next generation of consoles is released because everyone knows that consoles is where the money is at.

The worst part is that hardware companies are/will suffer(ing) since it is useless to buy the best graphics card. I frankly believe that the release of 120Hz displays was just a way to justify graphics cards capable of running games at that speed even when, in general, graphically there is no difference and the performance really isn't needed.

Perhaps BF3 will buck the trend but right now I am truly concerned for the future of PC gaming. This is even more true when I see what has happened with the development of Crysis 2. I am all for multi-platform games, as long as each version has received the attention and development time that it needs/deserves. For example I would be fine with the PC version of Crysis 2 being delayed a month if that would mean that it would be a "true" PC version with graphics options, DX11, the whole works...I really don't like this trend of releasing games that have to be patched for them to be "de-consolified".

Truly I haven't lost my faith in Crytek since, well, I saw this coming and never had any faith in Crytek to begin with. It is childish to expect a big company to develop a game for a niche market and cater to that market perfectly. We often forget that companies are after one thing, REVENUE and sadly a large amount of money won't be generated from the PC market (compared to consoles).

Sorry for the long post.
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:36 pm

To call PC gaming a 'niche' market is silly. Especially Considering that steam alone has as many ACTIVE users as xbox live has registered members! If PC gaming is a niche, so are consoles (even moreso in fact, the low estimates are that there are 150m PC gamers, compared to the ~60m current gen console games on 360 and ps3 combined).

The fact is that EVERY developer that has the ability (game, engine and knowledge wise), first party restrictions factored in, to make a cross platform game will, because it earns them MORE money! Why would anyone NOT release an FPS game, a genre that is popular on consoles too nowadays, if their engine can do it? Crytek didn't have the ability to do so with their cryengine 2 engine as much of the rendering tech was still too cumbersome and processor heavy, but over the 5 years effects such as HBAO have become much less taxing. Therefore with cryengine 3 they thought 'we can manage this now' so they did!

It's not that PC gaming is niche at all, it's because PC doesn't have anyone forcing a developer to only develop for that platform. if i were crytek i would've made crysis 2 multiplat too. I just would've handled marketing better with a PC focused edge (ala DICE) because every digital PC game sold (and over half are) is the equivalent of 3 console games sold at retail profit wise.

Anyways, the only reason PC gaming doesn't APPEAR to earn as much money compared to consoles is because digital sales aren't factored into that. Now, we know steam alone took in over $1 billion on it's own last year, so deduce what you will from that. If you can't deduce: factoring in steam and world of warcraft (and nothing else) to retail PC sales, PC is the top dog by a long way. Factor in casual games? Yep, you've got the platform which makes up over 50% of the revenue of all gaming in the western world (in the east, PC just thrashes everything because of china and their obsession with PC gaming).

The ONLY reason PC gaming APPEARS to not be as big as consoles is because a PC is not a fixed product like an xbox. The estimates of numbers have to go off how many gaming class gpu's are sold by amd and nvidia (normally assuming 1/2 are used for gaming for the low estimate), and that's not the kind of information places like IGN are interested in. With the xbox? they can just say x were sold in x month.

PC is not as controlled, therefore it's harder to pin down stats about it :) But don't worry, the companies who're in charge know how much PC makes (EA recently said the PC will become their main platform over the next year or two).
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:41 am

EA recently said the PC will become their main platform over the next year or two.
Can I get a link? I'm not questioning you or anything, I just have a curiosity to exactly where they said this.
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:16 pm

the only reason why everyone hasnt cancelled pre orders is because of crysis1
if this was crysis1 the sales on the pc would be dead
6days no pc ANYTHING
f them right now
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:05 pm

some of you people are insane. just because crytek introduce crysis 2 as a multi-platform game. the "loyal fans" start turning on 'em. i may not have had a chance to play crysis1 and war. but i've seen enough of all three games to safely say this is the best looking game to date. Gameplay couldnt be better for me (besides the minor bugs) and the nano 2 makes firefights fun. I just think this game is awesome and graphix pass crysis1 and war by long shot.
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Alessandra Botham
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:11 pm

some of you people are insane. just because crytek introduce crysis 2 as a multi-platform game. the "loyal fans" start turning on 'em. i may not have had a chance to play crysis1 and war. but i've seen enough of all three games to safely say this is the best looking game to date. Gameplay couldnt be better for me (besides the minor bugs) and the nano 2 makes firefights fun. I just think this game is awesome and graphix pass crysis1 and war by long shot.


This IS the best looking game to date, and the game does look awesome!!

PS: Some people on here might actually be insane!! (you never know:)
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:39 am

I am just waiting for MS and Sony to wise up and realize that digital download is the way to go to reduce costs, rise profits and kick material publishers where it hurts
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:13 pm

Found Some Actual New News, March 15th New :)

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:55 am

it's a nice interview actually
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:50 pm

Crysis 2 it isn't a port from console, only Demo was ported to give PC users chance to participate in demo. Only CryEngine was rewrited to fit PC AND Consoles. So PC gamers will gate Crysis 2 created on PCs, and Console users will get C2 created on PS3/XBOX360, there is no any ports.
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:01 am

there is no point arguing....doomsayers will doomsay
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:53 pm


I like saying that. But still love this game though.
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:09 am

I keep having this recurring experience I click on a screenshots link and I see a screenshot. I think hey that looks better it must be the PC version maxed out. Then I realise it's a screenshot from the 1st game.
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Sara Lee
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:12 pm


I know, a lot of people said 'OMG I WILL CANCEL MY PREORDER BECAUSE ITS A CONSOLE PORT' or sth. similar.. but:

Wasn't it Crytek that gave us the amazing experience with Crysis 1?
Do you really think, everything Cevat said was a lie?
( He said, they try to push the boundaries again and make a game that's even better than crysis 1 )

All I have to say:

STFU (sry) & wait for the final release.
All your hopes of good graphics, etc. WILL come true. (at least for PC :P )


DX11 support for Shogun 2 is still 2-4 weeks away but we saw it in trailers months ago. Especially in light of recent events can you explain if the game looks so good why no DX11 Crysis 2 footage has been shown? Especially whe Nvidia have paid money into the game.

Sorry but it just seems like a bit of a dike move to pre-order on the basis of speculation.
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