So. . . I'm a little mystified like you are regarding the fascination for top leveled items. I mean the game is easy enough that they certainly are not required. Or if you do want some, how many do you need? My character doesn't even bother to pick up Mundane Rings because they make things too easy. Perhaps, some characters simply enjoy collecting impressive equipment as a hobby and that could make sense. :foodndrink:
If it's a collection, and you don't actually use the enchantment, does it even matter? Yeah, okay, it probably does. :trophy:
My characters do in-character quests until they have achieved whatever they needed to do, then they just "live." Mages usually have to go through the recommendations, and I've got a guy going now who will try to follow through on his Emperor's dying request. (I have a feeling he's going to bungle it badly.)
But here's the thing. Sooner or later, if you go to Corrol, you hear about the Jemane brothers. Reynald is likely to stop you on the street and throw up on your shoes.

How can you turn these nice guys down when they ask for help? You know you're going to end up doing the whole quest line. Bingo. You can't keep the sword, because you just can't. It's an
Honorblade, for goodness sake! You have to turn it in. So you've got the shield. Maybe you hang it on the wall. (One of my characters set it on top of a dresser, leaning against the wall, and it fell down inside the wall, never to be seen again. :blush: )
Oh, never mind. I think I just answered my own question. It's because it's fun to do it however you like to do it.