» Wed Jan 26, 2011 7:10 pm
I don't get why so many people mistake a deer for a horse.
But anyway, it seems unlikely to me that horses will not be in the game. They were in Oblivion, and while classes and mysticism were also in Oblivion, therefore proving that "It was in Oblivion", or any past Elder Scrolls game, for that matter, is not proof that some feature will remain in Skyrim, in the case of horses, I see no reason why they'd be removed. It's not like anyone complained about the very presence of horses in Oblivion, what people complained about was that they weren't implemented so well. I think the question we should be asking is not "Will there be horses?" but "Will horses be done better this time?" and also "Will there be other types of mounts besides horses?" But I could be mistaken, of course. I just assume Bethesda wouldn't remove horses.