I have a verry good idea how to balance the leveling in the Oblivion. It would be wonderful if someone can implamate it in a mode that everyone can use.
So here's the deal: I think everyone agree that the leveling system in the oblivion is to exploitable. The fact u can just cast 3 magicka cost spells on yourself for infinite time or the fact u can get 14 skills to max before ur level 2 is enough to prove that. It's also stupid that u should choose for Major skill the skill u wouldnt use, cause otherwise u'll level up to fast (exspecialy on hardest difficulty) . My solution is this:
No leveling from using the skills at all. Instead of this u only skill up using trainers. And every trainer can give u 20 skill rises per level. Than u level up. U have a level cap of 25. Also u can still chose 7 "major" skills but that will only determine which skills will get 20 points bonus, it wouldnt matter if u skill up major or minor skills, when u get 20 skills up from trainers u level up.
How is this better?
1. It will not be possible to get max out. This means that powers, spells, potion and items with "fortify skill/atribute" effect will be usefull troughout the game. This will make for bigger variety of meaningful choises.
2. No "jumping trough" the first levels of skills, potions and equipments. You'll have to use every weak potion that u get ur hands on, cause u wouldnt be able to get powerful fast enough to not care for weak effects.
3. U will have the choise of either get Master in 6-7-8 skills and rely only on them or go for a well rounded character without any extraordinary powers. This goes the same for atributes. U will have the choise and will suffer the consuquenses.
4. Chosing the "class" will actualy mean to chose the skill u'll use, cause u wont be able to skill up in any other for the time being. This will make for far more strategic character development.
5. No need for grinding, the leveling will require earning money trough quest and dungeon crawling.
6. No need for calculating "how much of what skill should I get up to get the most points for atribute". U get 20 skill raises and arround 10 atribute points per level. This will also make for easier enemy balancing for the modder, because it will be clear exactly how much u have gotten stronger on the level.
I think this will go verry nice with the OOO Mode, but if anyone can create it like a independent mode or a part of other mode, I will not complain. But please, anyone get this done cause I realy want to play the game like this.