» Fri Jun 17, 2011 11:36 pm
Best gameplay ? Hahahahahhah damn, ROFLMAO, this is the funniest thing I heard in years !
This game has been shot down in flames by critics, the MP is just the most boring MP I have played for years.
The campagne is just as boring as my 82 year old grand-aunt sally who loves knitting and making appel pies !
Peak online players is 1000 (more or less) worldwide, and you say it has the best gameplay ? Seriously ?
Man, I had to Google what the heck "ROFLMAO" means o.O
Besides from that, I like the game. It's a really great game and in my opinion better then the first one. If you don't like it, that's ok. But why make a Thread and tell everyone the same thing I've read like a thousand times in other uselsess Threads?