They are actually painfully stupid at the game, I mean its not even like its a case of being good at the game or not, they just seem to lack common sense all together and cant seem to put two & two together. Why do they play objective based games if all they want to do is run around the map on the OTHER side of the objective?
Easily the worst noob community ive ever played with on a multiplayer game and the sad thing is 90% of this game is common sense, suppose it shows how many morons we have out there living in the world that are a waste of organs.
Well I better get to the point of this thread, is there any actually capable UK players out there who can string a sentence together and who can co-ordinate on an objective?
If so Id liketo add you to my friends list before I go mentally insane from the stupidity of the human beings im surrounded by online

Cheers lads