I think that mounted combat is an absolute MUST for a game like this... I mean, come on, if Zelda can throw in amazing mounted combat in like 1998, then Skyrim has absolutely NO excuse. Seriously... another Elder Scrolls with lame horses? Just throw the poor things out if you don't go the extra mile of putting in combat on a horse as well, especially when there are mods out there for Oblivion with decent mounted combat. In 5 years, Bethesda couldn't implement mounted combat? That is just being lazy.
As for the first option... well, I truly don't believe that we will be forced into 3rd person perspective when executing a finishing move. We have already seen it in first person, and when the times that we've seen the demo character transfer to a 3rd person perspective it was likely to "show it off" in third person. That said, my vote for that one was a little difficult... :confused:
i dont think they are being lazy i think its more about them wanting the player to get off his mount and explore the world and not riding your mount 24/7 as hinted by http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:M%27aiq_the_Liar also the developers are too buzy working on other stuff to focus on mounted combat, being in the mountians there is not alot of open land where you can rush in with your horse and stab someone or cast a spell, doesnt mean they cant do it,
Red Dead Redemption pulled mounts off very nicely, but red dead has plenty of space and land for your horse to travel while skyrim is in the mountains. i would like to see Mounted combat maybe in the next game but for the developers has to much on food their plate