I DO have a problem with that! Actually!

Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 1:49 pm

NOTE: The title "I DO have a problem with that! Actually." is only to describe the topic's theme, I don't actually have a problem with anything xD Except the possiblity that cuirass and greaves have now become 1 unit of armor... which I'm not in favor of.

ANYWAY! I'll cut to the chase here.
There are lots of topics regarding "Do you like/dislike X" or "Are you in favor/not in favor of X" and such. These are great topics to show us how well, or not well, Skyrim's community is taking some new info concerning the game.
Thing is, it's hard to keep track or remember all of those polls that are being created... for example: I personally can't remember if most of the people here in the forum are in favor, or not in favor, of removing attributes (old topic, I know, but it's just an example).

So here it is, the ULTIMATE "Do you have a problem with that?" THREAD!

Vote and contribute to your community, fellow members!

* If you think I need to add other options to the poll, tell me and I'll add them.



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Penny Wills
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:20 pm

I don't have any serious issues with the AI, but I thought it was a little odd that when the dragonborn stealth-killed an enemy with his bow and arrow
that the other enemy just struck a pose and waited to be killed himself - I hope that they're going to improve on that particular thing.
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Lily Something
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:43 pm

I don't have any serious issues with the AI, but I thought it was a little odd that when the dragonborn stealth-killed an enemy with his bow and arrow
that the other enemy just struck a pose and waited to be killed himself - I hope that they're going to improve on that particular thing.

It seems that most of the forum shares your concerns. Unfortunately I don't. I don't know... It seemed kinda natural to me. If it's like that with every single NPC, then I have a problem with that, but if it happens from time to time, once a decade or so... I really don't.
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josie treuberg
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:32 pm

As a mage for life, I'm happy there isn't a spread sheety spellcraft system, but i do hope the game compensates for the fact that I won't be able to just head on over to the A.U. to whip up some more effective spells every few levels.

On that note, I hope magic gets as much attention as melee is, I.E. not every spell looks like a cloud thing after casting.
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Dean Brown
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:01 pm

-Finishing moves are a pretty nice touch, I don't really care if it take the camera into 3rd person.
-Fairly disappointed about the removal of spell making, but the new magic system looks good and it will probably be reasonably easy to mod spells.
-Couldn't care less if mounted combat is in, I wouldn't use it anyway.
-Melee is looking like a huge improvement so far.
-AI is the problem that has me the most worried, from what we've seen it's looking dodgy at times, but I will have to see more footage before I can make an informed decision.
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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:49 pm

I don't know if horse combat's a good idea. I've only played it in Two Worlds and it was dreadful (not saying that the rest of the game was much better).
Has the removal of spellmaking been confirmed as removed? I liked the ability to experiment, but I'm sure there will be a wide enough range that there isn't too much of an issue there.
The radiant AI sounds good but I haven't really seen enough of it to say if I approve completely of it.
And the finishing moves look good but I have a feeling the 3D view might get slightly annoying after a while.
Overall I can't complain, I think it's looking really good.
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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:16 pm

I like everything, just not sure if cutting spell making is going to make the magic obsessed players happy.
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:50 am

Some AI changes need to be made from what I've seen in the E3 gamplay video. I expect a bandit to respond when I'm sending an arrow that kills his friend right in front of him, not just stand there and look on the dead body like an idiot.
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jessica robson
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:58 pm

I feel disappointed the game doesn't have mounted combat! I understand sword combat could be difficult to make, but come on, archery would be easy to put in there! > : (

Certain finishers forcing you into third person also svcks HARD. In a true TES game, IMO of course, you should never even have to see your character apart from the inventory menu if you don't want to.
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 1:41 pm

Finishing moves in DA:O didn't upset me, can't see why they would in Skyrim.
Spellmaking is a weird one. Don't mind the lack if the On the fly casting methods work well, but made loads in OB, so I understand exactly why some get so upset.
A.I no problem for me, don't do much sneaking anyway.
And melee is just OB with bells and whistles, fine by me.
Ah, mounted combat. How I would love that. Why a game with horses in won't let you swing a sword while on them in this day and age is beyond me. Still, not the end of the world, but a disappointment nevertheless.
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:09 pm

Can't say I really have a problem with any of that. I will miss spell making but if it isn't workable in the new system that's a trade I'm willing to make.
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Charlie Sarson
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:34 pm

Are you in favor of including finishing-moves in skyrim and the way they implemented them?


Feel like they're tacky especially if the player has no control over them and they force the camera and slow time.

Are you in favor of (POSSIBLY) removing spell-making?

Yes, I'm in favor of the new system - Duel-wield spells and possibly combining them.

Spell making forced a certain kind of spell system that could never really be balanced. Without it they will be able to make spells more interesting without running into balance issues due to having so many different variations of each individual effect from varying durations, magnitudes, ranges, radiuses. It will also get rid of a lot of redundant and/or nearly pointless spell effects.

Are you in favor of not having mounted combat?

Yes, I'm in favor of not having mounted combat.

Mounted combat is simply not something I can see being balanced well in a TES game at this time without a lot of effort being put into it. They'd have to have a team dedicated to it like dragons, if it's tacked on it'll be horrible like Oblivion's horse riding was.

Are you in favor of the new Melee combat system?

Yes, but there are certain things I wish they'd change/improve.

Concerned about blocking limitations and how fluidly we'll be able to switch between weapons and spells. Other than that it's sounding good.

Are you in favor of the new AI from what we've seen/heard so far?

Haven't decided yet, have to try the new system first.

Really can't tell without experiencing it in game I think. I like what I've heard though.
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Add Meeh
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 1:43 pm

You gotta love how the other thread was closed becuz the mod found these 2 to be quote " Virtually the same," despite them being completely different. lol :facepalm:

But in relation, mounted combat would be great if not for the lack of spears.
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:18 pm

Finishing Moves
I like them, but I fear that by liking them, I am pushing Skyrim further towards action and gimmicks. Kill-cam seems like the next step, I'm aware it's the slippery slope argument, but sometimes it's valid, what next?

Have to try the new system, if they've actually been inventive with spell-effects like some modders were with Oblivion (some of the spells I've seen are incredible) then I don't think we're losing too much this generation.

Mounted Combat
Would rather have it in and that's what this thread is about. But I feel this is asking for WAY too much. It's simple in pure hack-and-slash games or pure-gun games like RDR, just hold the gun in different animations and shoot. In Oblivion there has to be an option for all types of weapons as well as magic e.t.c. Just seems like a lot of work. So I'm not too sore about this, and am just glad to at least see the return of mounts.

Combat System
I woulld like the contact between your weapons and the enemy to be more obvious, it still seems like you're not really hitting your enemy. I don't know if it's in but the slash across the neck suggests it isn't, I would like to see locational damage. Additionally, in the video when Todd kills the guy with the arrow, the arrow penetrates somewhere around the thorax and the foe dies instantly which I find to be somewhat ridiculous. So while it's an improvement - there's still a long way to go in my opinion

The dragon AI seemed pretty cool but it was a short clip so it's hard to tell whether they will behave that dynamically all the time. And it's the same with the stealth kill, a lot of people claim that the NPC was shocked and didn't have time to react -- but I fear that he just wasn't reacting, and it just appears that way because both situations may appear similar. If he wasn't reacting, that wasn't good enough for me and AI could use improvements. If not, I'm pretty happy with the AI so far.
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:26 pm

I feel disappointed the game doesn't have mounted combat! I understand sword combat could be difficult to make, but come on, archery would be easy to put in there! > : (

Certain finishers forcing you into third person also svcks HARD. In a true TES game, IMO of course, you should never even have to see your character apart from the inventory menu if you don't want to.

I agree. But it was already in Oblivion... When you dismounted your horse the camera switched to third person (which was annoying enough...).
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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:22 pm

I agree. But it was already in Oblivion... When you dismounted your horse the camera switched to third person (which was annoying enough...).

Yes I know :(
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Taylor Bakos
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:56 pm

Finishing moves, unless they are controlled by the palyer, will completely take the players out of the experience. I am not for them as they are now. Does anyone feel the same?
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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:39 pm

I don't like the idea of mounted combat not being in it. Makes having a mounted warrior redundant, and no point in having a horse again. I don't even bother in Oblivion, especially considering I end up running faster than the horses. And I hate running around on horse back only to have to dismount to fight.
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:46 pm

I don't like the idea of mounted combat not being in it. Makes having a mounted warrior redundant, and no point in having a horse again. I don't even bother in Oblivion, especially considering I end up running faster than the horses. And I hate running around on horse back only to have to dismount to fight.

Well, Beth stated that they did try it out and that it didn't work. It changed too much of the gameplay and too much of the system (something similar to this was explained...). I guess they wanted it in too but actually couldn't implement it in the right way. So I'm if I'd have to choose between a crappy mounted combat system that ruins a part of the game, and letting it go to keep the game balanced, I would choose to let it go.

Grat130: I feel as if finishing moves are necessary in a game like Skyrim where everything seem to be more brutal and harsh, I'm against them pulling the camera to 3'rd person too, but I think finishing moves in (as long as it's done in the right way and as long as it doesn't appear all the time) are necessary.
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Kat Ives
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Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:07 am

I don't see how you could pick anything but "I need to try it first" because you never know until you actually experience it.

A bunch of screenshots and minutes of footage doesn't count for anything. We will never know anything about the game until we play it fully.
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Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:17 am

A bunch of screenshots and minutes of footage doesn't count for anything. We will never know anything about the game until we play it fully.

You don't think you're going a little too far the other way pal? We can't know ANYTHING about the game until we play it? And not just play it, play it fully?

I think we can know plenty about the game, thanks. I voted that option 3 times, the others I have seen enough to give an opinion and judgement, if you haven't that's your choice and that's why you get a choice.
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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:16 pm

Dark: I completely agree with you, if they are infrequent it will be an excellent addition. The reason I have a problem with them is that out of the 6 or so kills in the demo the majority of them were with finishing moves. Perhaps it was to showcase them, however they seemed as though they would be quite common.
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:54 pm

I guess I'm with the majority on the finishing moves. I feel I should be able to experience my character how and when I want to, so forcing into third person is just not a smart move. Finishing moves are great though, as they provoke a very real sense of finishing an opponent and serve as a viable option given certain criteria.

Spell-making removal is a-okay for me. Maybe eventually they'll make a system that's less about the numbers, but for now this is the only possible option that I see. It's a great option, IMO.

Mounted combat is an interesting thing, because entire games have been made around the idea. I admit that it would be cool to have it whilst going around but then again I can't imagine much it would add to the game besides fighting against horse mounted enemies. You certainly wouldn't fight a dragon with it.

The new melee system is a definite improvement, though I wish they could make it less floaty. I don't know how they'd do it, but something needs to feel more grounded. May be impossible for all I know, but modded Oblivion seemed just a bit better.

New AI is hard to judge, but all the dynamic stuff seems great from what I've seen. A bit hurried and whatnot from a combat perspective, but we've only seen barbaric thing attacking with the exception of one close combat encounter with an actual race and he didn't seem too bad. The dragon avoiding the fire though? Magic.
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:57 pm

NOTE: The title "I DO have a problem with that! Actually." is only to describe the topic's theme, I don't actually have a problem with anything xD Except the possiblity that cuirass and greaves have now become 1 unit of armor...

cuirass and greaves are 1 unit? where did you get that info?
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:09 am

Finishing moves I can take or leave. I am not a gore hound. Seems like someone at ES has been playing Fable III and decided to borrow a few things. If only Peter M. and the Fable crew would play more Elder Scrolls and pick up a longer spell list, more lore, and an open world.

Spell Making... I think its removal is dreadful, frankly. I intend to make a specific thread detailing why, but, in short, it isn't just about being powerful, but also having the skill to create and weave spells in the tradition of Tamriel's master sorcerers.

Melee I am fine with.

Mounted combat. . . it would be nice, but I am not troubled by its absence.
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