I have 2 questions. (but the main one is on moddding)

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:31 pm

The speculation of repairs or hardcoe mode not coming back is almost 99%. So you better start losing hope. ^^
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:38 am

The safest thing now is using profiles via Mod Organizer or NMM as they've finally introduced profiling.
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:41 am

Disagree with you on one way. I simply dont feel like playing a game that forces me to do arbitrary things like eat or sleep. That said, i enjoy games like Rainbow Six and Arma, where one stray bullet can make or end your life. I dont agree with the whole spoon feeding comment thought, quite the opposite, the market has of late been cluttered with nothing but survival game after survival game (mainly talking about steam here), same with Zombie games. You dont need to make a game torturously dificult to be a good game, but you do need to give people the options to up the challenge in that way.

So yes, go ahead and mod it in, or lets hope they add it either at launch or later. I personaly wont play it that way, but if the demand is there, it should be fulfilled.

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Damian Parsons
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:13 pm


Yeah I like realistic feelings in games too. I don't know I grew up with tactical shooters and stuff and as most people know those games have all but died out (even their modern sequels svck) and I need something to fill the void. That would be a pretty cool mod though, and there is no denying that games are getting easier. Have you seen the way combat and quests are completed in games now compared to Morrowind? Morrowind gave you no instructions on where to go, only detailed descriptions from other people on where it is, which gave you a much more immersive feeling than a bright compass telling you exactly where it is. Not to mention the combat was a lot more difficult (dare I say, annoying at times) and made you rely on stamina way more than the other games, as you couldn't hit anything or be knocked down if you didn't have enough stamina. Also, they are as I said, removing repair and hardcoe modes from FO4. Yeah, it's pretty obvious that they have been continuing to dumb down there games. BUT, they always replace it with other gameplay features and new stories and just experiences, which make it worth it.

My biggest issues with games today are that they don't take what was good about their older installments and expand and add, but rather just remove old features even if they were good, and add new features that may or may not be good.. In the words of the taco girl, "Why can't we have both?" (Now I have to change the tone back to the topic or the moderators will get me.)

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Steve Fallon
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:58 pm


Almost 99%? So that's only a 98% chance they won't be coming back! THAT'S A GREAT 2%!

There's hope.

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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:24 pm

It can't really get much more user friendly than it already is. The real obsticale to novice users isn't the presentation of the game data but rather the sheer amount of it. Many programming tasks consist of wading through mountains of data to alter very small specific portions of it. It's not something that can be made turn key for those that don't have a good understanding of how all that data is structured and is co-dependent without simplfiing the abilities of the interface to something less than Bethesda is able to do.

Modding Beth's games on the current lvl will never be an "anyone can do it" ingame interface like Doom's new snap map.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:07 am


I mean I see where you're coming from, but tbh most of the steam survival games nowadays are laughably bad or laughably easy. The few that are good are normally easy, while the bad ones are just bad. Now if you looked all the way back to 2013 you'd find games like Don't Starve. (That game is hard as balls, especially the multiplayer)

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laila hassan
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:20 pm

I can understand that, not everyone wants to have The Sims integrated into their games. Although, I wasn't planning on adding that in asa it would take too much time away from my larger mod idea (see SPECIAL Heroes in forum). More of a ARMA style survival rate with V.A.N.S perk removed. That being said not many people would be able to play melee characters with that so a lot of armor balancing would have to be calculated. And, again, you're right there... those survival games (7 Days To Die etc.) are very hardcoe in terms of the information you have and the result is a satisfying exercise in one's own imagination. Also, I like your screaming cat.

Bring back Lucasarts point-and-click adventure games!

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:24 am

This man speaks the truth...I've tried and the end gave up. 20 years in IT couldn't save me as the top modders usually have some programming experience from what I've come across. And I have none lol, not yo say some can't learn but it'd be a hard road.
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:12 am


There is a difference between the overall progress of games as a whole and good gameplay features from the past lol. (that being said KOTOR was actually one of the best games ever made, and people came up with the idea of an isometric FO4 XD so a lot of old game types still hold some weight today, but no I don't get why people are making all these 2-D games, there is a reason every game developer jumped onto 3-D and away from 2-D when it became available.)

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:20 pm

Lol. I'm also having my own personal looney hope: hoping the physical pc version of the game comes with 75% of the game inside. But since it comes with one DVD, my hopes are becoming nothing but pipe dreams. ^^
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Jimmie Allen
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:56 pm

Agreed, although a market does still exist for 2D games. I've seen a beta pixelated game make over $2 million way before release was due, although I shan't mention the name (Starbound).

EDIT: They were very smart though, they sold electronic versions of the game for over $300 each, with it you get a statue of you put into the game, you get to design a custom weapon and a few other things that wont cost the company money except man hours which is something they already pay for. Genius.

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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:17 pm


What do you mean by that? You mean like dlc's and stuff? Or something else. Because gamesas is actually really good on making dlc's.

but if it's neither of those sorry for being [censored].

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:07 pm


Yeah Terraria is still pretty popular and there are a lot of other 2-D games, but remember that almost everyone who makes them are Indie studios, and no one really major or influential. The funny thing is that those who play those games were like born in the 1990's and are pretty much playing them for nostalgia and the "hipster" fad, but talk to anyone like my brother who was born in the 1980's and had plenty of time to play those games and they'll tell you there freaking sick of 2-D gaming and 3-D was the best thing since canned bread.

Also, I know the mods are going to get pissed at me for going off topic, but when the hell is Starbound going to be released? That game was a big thing in like, 2013, but it's still technically early access on the store page. I went on their forums to find out and saw a topic that looked like it was a bunch of people losing hope on it's release date being nearby, and near the very end of the topic people said they just announced a release date and everyone was getting excited and I looked it up and found out they were talking about some other game they were making that was like a stupid RPG. It seems like everyone has just accepted that it has died and moved on. I really couldn't care less about the game, I never looked into it, I'm just merely curious. Also, I heard they made really stupid design choices in the last year.

EDIT: Wow, I just looked at the store page and they just finally after like 10 months released a massive update and are announcing that they are nearing 1.0 at last.

What timing.

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jadie kell
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:32 pm

Microsoft bought Minecraft for $20 billion. I'm not trying to argue but I am an Indie developer so these facts are easily accessed in my head. I actually agree with you, I'm sick of 2D as well and want someone to find that winning formula of gameplay and graphics which never seem to go hand in hand (personal opinion). Maybe virtual reality technology can bring that to us?

RE: Starbound. No idea, I was halfway remaking a parody of Pre-CU Star Wars Galaxies mod before I gave up on them. It will never be "final", it's too big a project, might as well map the history of the universe.

So, Fallout 4, good stuff. Can't wait to see the new G.E.C.K and get messing around. Has your opinion changed on the mods at all?

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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:36 pm

Oh, don't worry about it. I'm sure you have good Internet speeds to download the game. Not me, unfortunately. So it is likely I won't play the game this year or even next year.
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:20 pm


Yeah, I believe the new features there adding for mods have actually really added a lot for how small they are. I can safely try a mod out without worry if it turns out to be bad. Also, I do believe they will have some nice new features with the new GECK just as a given since they tend to improve it in every installment, gonna need to see how those console mods turn out though.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:31 pm

2.5 billion


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dean Cutler
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:15 am

Yes, modding will be just as "difficult" as on any other Beth game. Difficult in sense of you'll need to take your time to learn the tools. But once you know the thrill, it isn't quite as difficult, as modding for ARK or the Unreal Engine. The CK is very convenient and "easy" to use, and at the same time very powerful.

While saying someone is lying is a rather aggressive tone, I'm afraid the poster is correct. Stating that no one ever got their game messed up because of Mods is simply wrong. And there are Mods that will break your game, primarly because they being outdated, not finalized or heavily conflicting with other Mods. Just because @JoeDubGamer is such an expert in avoiding getting his game broke, he can't expect anyone else to have the same level of experience and "skill" then he has.

Mod using for TES or FO titles needs a much higher level of experience and skill then any other game I know, specially since Skyrim imported scripts baking in your saves. I think we agree it's one of the most important things we want Bethesda to have fixed for FO4. The amount of struggle done to users and creators is huge with the latest script behaviour. However, it's all up to the user to figure what is best for his game, and it's not alright to blame others for personal failure. Everybody, including me, had to overcome diverse obstacles on using Mods. The difference is that I learned it with Morrowind, so I have some time based experience advantage.

However, I'm certain Bethesda did a lot to improve and fix the CK, so that Mod users and creators will have a easier time doing what they love most.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:00 pm

Something to keep in mind. The Creation Kit is an internal development tool for their game developers to use. After game development is complete, they are good enough to release it for the great unwashed masses to play with. It is not a complete development system - you also need tools developed by the modding community. It is not bug free - the in house developers know how to work around the issues. And Bethesda will have zero interest in fixing reported bugs. Use at your own risk kind of thing.
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:53 am

Actualy going by the developers own coments on the GECK, due to third party issues the GECK that they released was a striped down version of what they used internally.

That said from what I am looking at, doing more than

Basic Quests
Go to point A,
Do this thing here that I want you to do.
Return here, "tell" me about it, or give back quest items or objects of quest.
Get reward

Or basic Housing mods that just use pre existing objects or scripted objects, or simply use copied scripts from other mods
Or add npcs that are little more than tweaked clones of existing npcs , objects, and scripts.
(for *example a collection of hot plates and burners and toasters and irons and coffeemaker so to make a "mad scientists kitchen stove for cooking" or a companion who is also a merchant, or a armored pack braman load hauling pet with >3x your carrying capacity ...)

Will probably not be anything that moves to the console for quite a while.

*For the record No I Will Not Be Making One Of Those For My Mod.
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:45 pm

I really think with Fallout 4 it will be called Creation Kit and not GECK.

I have been wrong before; we shall see.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:32 am

It'll be GECK. The only reason it was called the creation kit was because of the GECK, which means Garden of Eden Creation Kit.
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:05 pm

My inference is based on Gamespot's article:

"Today during an E3 2015 presentation, Fallout 4 game director Todd Howard announced that the Fallout 4 Creation Kit, a suite of mod tools for the role-playing game, will be available on PC in early 2016."

If you Google "Fallout 4 Creation Kit", you get lots of substantive hits.

If you Google "Fallout 4 GECK" you only get player musings.

I kind of thought it was related to the Gamebryo engine being subsumed in the Creation Engine, and they wanted consistent branding.

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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:41 pm

So even if a Mod "breaks" your game, you have a "Clean" save to go back to.

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