The first one is has it been absolutely confirmed that both repair and hardcoe mode are not making a comeback? Because while I have seen some reliable evidence that hardcoe is not coming back, I really haven't seen anything (official) at all on repair but a considerable amount of people are already stating it as fact that's it's not coming back. I pretty much knew deep down in my heart that both these most likely weren't coming back when they didn't comment on either for like 4 entire months, but I just want to know for sure.
Also, my 2nd question is will the modding in this game be a lot more sound and easy than the other games they've made? Because I have already seen many people commenting that "if you don't like that they won't have these game modes, people will surely mod them in later when they release the GECK" or whatever it is. But, there has been a reason I very rarely/never download mods that change or add fundamental aspects to the game (be it a new gameplay feature or aspect like hunger, thirst, weather conditions, expanding the map or things of the sort), and only really download items like weapons or armor or graphics updates or other stupid things like that, and that's because "game-changing" mods are almost always very unstable, buggy, glitchy, and have an entire slew of other problems. I remember there was this one cool mod for like Skyrim, and it added cold and hypothermia and stuff, and while it looked really awesome and had a well implemented mechanic and got some really good feedback, a sizable group of people were reporting it corrupting every single one of their saves, messing up entire other parts of the game like quests and characters, and I'm almost positive one guy said he physically couldn't open up his game after trying to install it, and these effects can affect you even after the long and painful uninstall process, adding insult to injury. And even for mods a lot more tame they may simply not work some times. The only repair adding mod I could find for Skyrim says right on the title page, "this mod is not for people who expect perfection, just be glad it works most of the time." And bear in mind this has been for all of their games, not just Skyrim, I'm just using It as a recent example. So normally if I try to download one of these mods it's usually either "download it and most likely nothing goes wrong and you have fun" OR "If by chance something does go wrong it will probably mess up and screw your game considerably" Yeah, I'll take the safe route, thanks.
So in short is the modding going to be a lot more "stable" (for lack of a better word) in this game for bigger and better mods like these, or is it still going to carry somewhat of a risk like every game before it? If it doesn't, great, I'm fine. If it does, ehhhhhhhh I don't know if trying to add features like hardcoe mode or repair is going to be worth the risk or corrupted save games or game "breakage."