I have 2 questions. (but the main one is on moddding)

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:17 pm

The first one is has it been absolutely confirmed that both repair and hardcoe mode are not making a comeback? Because while I have seen some reliable evidence that hardcoe is not coming back, I really haven't seen anything (official) at all on repair but a considerable amount of people are already stating it as fact that's it's not coming back. I pretty much knew deep down in my heart that both these most likely weren't coming back when they didn't comment on either for like 4 entire months, but I just want to know for sure.

Also, my 2nd question is will the modding in this game be a lot more sound and easy than the other games they've made? Because I have already seen many people commenting that "if you don't like that they won't have these game modes, people will surely mod them in later when they release the GECK" or whatever it is. But, there has been a reason I very rarely/never download mods that change or add fundamental aspects to the game (be it a new gameplay feature or aspect like hunger, thirst, weather conditions, expanding the map or things of the sort), and only really download items like weapons or armor or graphics updates or other stupid things like that, and that's because "game-changing" mods are almost always very unstable, buggy, glitchy, and have an entire slew of other problems. I remember there was this one cool mod for like Skyrim, and it added cold and hypothermia and stuff, and while it looked really awesome and had a well implemented mechanic and got some really good feedback, a sizable group of people were reporting it corrupting every single one of their saves, messing up entire other parts of the game like quests and characters, and I'm almost positive one guy said he physically couldn't open up his game after trying to install it, and these effects can affect you even after the long and painful uninstall process, adding insult to injury. And even for mods a lot more tame they may simply not work some times. The only repair adding mod I could find for Skyrim says right on the title page, "this mod is not for people who expect perfection, just be glad it works most of the time." And bear in mind this has been for all of their games, not just Skyrim, I'm just using It as a recent example. So normally if I try to download one of these mods it's usually either "download it and most likely nothing goes wrong and you have fun" OR "If by chance something does go wrong it will probably mess up and screw your game considerably" Yeah, I'll take the safe route, thanks.

So in short is the modding going to be a lot more "stable" (for lack of a better word) in this game for bigger and better mods like these, or is it still going to carry somewhat of a risk like every game before it? If it doesn't, great, I'm fine. If it does, ehhhhhhhh I don't know if trying to add features like hardcoe mode or repair is going to be worth the risk or corrupted save games or game "breakage."

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Chris Johnston
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:37 am

Ive downloaded tons of mods for skyrim and only ran into a few issues with a few of them that was easily fixable by removing the mod.. and fallout 4 will have a special save system for modded games where when you add mods itl seperate modded and unmodded saves automatically.

Its just fear/paranoia... most mods are perfectly safe and easily removed if they dont work..

Most people have like 1000+ mods installed into skyrim ect.. and they seem to be ok..
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Laura Tempel
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:15 pm

Yeah but I'm pretty paranoid, and even if like 100 people say it's great that one guy who had a game breaking bug will freak me out so much I really wouldn't want to download it. Also I have no idea if this has anything to do with it but my computer is pretty old and has an even older OS. So that kind of makes it a little less capable then other computers when it comes too downloading mods. And most of all I just really don't like the painful downloads for most of these mods and the even worse and complicated downloading these mods require. But the save mechanic in FO4 seems promising.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:47 pm

Mods for me have never caused problem, if you follow the directed install instructions properly and don't make every attempt to push the new code to breaking point e.g. repeatedly jumping into custom models hoping you fall through, or abusing console commands; you're going to be fine. If you really are worried and have spare hard drive space then install the game in a new directory and make that your laboratory of the game. Otherwise, as dervish says the save files have become separate assets.

With specifically to Skyrim, it's about the load order and combination of non-compatible mods that cause most problems, just need to experiment.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:52 am

Yes I do follow with the instructions and the most used console commands for me are the basic tcl, tgm sort of thing when I'm screwing around, so I wouldn't say I abuse those at all. But like I said it's not just like 1 guy, several dozens of people are reporting the same thing, I just think it's just a risk it always carries around. I mean you are having one guy taking the basic foundation for the construction of the game and trying to implement his own features and things into it, even though he didn't have a direct hand in it's development and he's adding complex features to the game that affect everything in the game in one way or another, they can't always be perfect.

Also, what mods are you installing? Because I'm not talking about item addition like armor or weapons, characters, new missions, or graphics updates like stated before, those work fine. I'm talking about massive mods that affect the complete basis for the game and add completely new aspects that had not otherwise been present, like a new gameplay feature like survival modes that add hunger, thirst, sleep, and weather conditions, and things like a bounty system that tracks your reputation or something, and things like item degradation. Heck, normally these mods have to be activated using an item like a ring or something because they're so hard to merely just implement into the base game.

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Tanika O'Connell
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:21 pm

What risk are you talking about? There's nothing about modding that can break a game. Have never had any really issue that just disabling a mod didn't fix if it was broke.

Have never heard of anyone that's game was broke via modding.

And what game modes are you talking about? hardcoe? Nobody I know wasted there time on that in NV, better off waiting on mods to implement those types of settings.
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:13 pm

Sorry, my intention was not to say you, specifically, were incapable of following instructions.

I had all those mods or "Overhauls", including the dragon spawning, open world cities, and thomas the tank engine. It took me maybe 6 hours to get it all in a good order and ween out the incompatible mods but seeing as I intended to spend 100+ hours on this extreme version of Skyrim seemed like a small %.

The basic solution is don't use the mod, another is the modder(s) should be doing some debugging and testing the reported bugs and problems. But, sad, usual story is that a modder can't be bothered. Once they view the mod as finished, that's it. There's no dedication to follow through.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:57 am


I have actually seen and heard of several people have their game break or saves get corrupted from modding actually. Weather it was the mod in itself, maybe not, and I must admit I do not know the specifics (mainly because as I have said, I tend not to try and get involved in mods with this sort of feedback), but I know without a doubt some part of the process of downloading it and installing it did screw with their games to the point where they may have actually been unplayable, and some of these issues are so extreme that even after going through the very long and painful process of uninstalling it, it still had lasting effects on their game, weather it was permanently corrupted saves or lasting bugs with their characters, it affected them even "beyond the grave" in sense. There is a good reason I'm paranoid, and it's not just because "some guy had one of his saves deleted oh noes!" It's the fact that some of these issues have physically prevented people from playing a product they have spent money on, even after it has been long since uninstalled or otherwise deleted.

Also, "wasted time on"? nananananana man, utilized. Dude let's be real here, hardcoe mode was a great addition to the game. Contrary to what you said, I didn't know anyone who didn't use it all the time after they released it. At worse it added an optional gameplay feature that probably took them less than a week to add. At best it added a completely new feature into the game that has never been seen on any other one of their games or any open world RPG for that matter to date and was actually quite well developed. Was it a bit shallow? Hell yeah it was. Was it a great basis to expand upon exponentially? Hell yeah it was. I mean it actually gave you a reason to, you know, collect all the otherwise useless food items scattered around. I mean, it may have been very easy to deal with and there was never a real shortage of food, but Christ man it's a start, and adds another little tiny aspect to the game. It wasn't even annoying, you were affected by hunger and thirst maybe once every 2 days and it did a slight stat debuff, and sleep was affected like once every week. I mean they can add so much upon this is makes my head spin. You could make it affect other things other than just stats, maybe it could also affect your aim, movement speed, make you dizzy, all sorts of stuff.

And you know the best part? If you don't like it, it's optional. And no, don't say it takes time away from making the rest of the game, they could probably add this feature In less than 2 weeks, max.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:21 pm

That's just a flat out lie on both parts

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:18 am

The whole corrupted save issue is all user error because your supposed to roll back to a save made before the mod install. Corrupted saves only happen when the user removes a mod and keeps playing the same save because they don't want to lose thier progress. As long as your willing to lose progress it is literally impossible to destroy your game with mods because you can always go back to the last save you had before installing them.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:17 am

Since they want modding to come to the console they very well could have done some stuff to the G.E.C.K. to make it more accessible to those that haven't modded before... but then again, you'll still most likely need the pc version of the game to mod so who knows.

Agree, I've definitely had to completely uninstall/reinstall games because a mod broke my game. .. and I loved hardcoe mode and only played hardcoe mode. There were lots of people who "wasted their time" on hardcoe mode.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:39 am

Nope fact, Besides load order crashes I've never had a mod just break a game install or save.

So yep it is fact...
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:43 pm

I didn't realize you spoke for the entire population. I had to reinstall New Vegas because of a mod that uninstalled. Textures were wonky in the NCR camps. See-through tents.

Also, in Skyrim I had to reinstall and reinstall all my mods because a mod gave me a random 5 gold bounty in whatever hold I was in, again, this was a mod I uninstalled.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:00 am

Well, OP, you're really getting carried away. Frankly, in my modding experience, almost 80% of the problems with mods comes from the end user not the modders. People failing to read the instructions, not being up to date with other mods and utilities, installing/uninstalling mods correctly, etc. Not to mention the engine quirks that could bring down out of the blue a seemingly well made mod.

If you're so afraid of bugs, just use few mods at a time and see how it works. There are people who install so many mods without testing them completely what they can do and eventually ending with all sorts of issues. Frankly speaking, modding is not for noobs. You have to be on the loop of what is going on.
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:44 pm


Yeah I thought his claim was not very accurate, but I will admit I really didn't want to argue lol.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:05 am

Normally, I don't like/want to argue, but I hate when people attempt to speak for me and say my experiences are untrue.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:32 pm


Yeah, it should be easier and safer to try and test out mods I may or may not want with their new save system thingy, and that should help me out a lot. Of course, that only helps prevent a mod from corrupting my game if it turns out I or the mod did something wrong, it still can't help if the mod just didn't do what I wanted or just plain svcks. :P

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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:25 pm

I once made a small mod for skyrim to try and fix some broken recipies, like not having some weapons set to be upgradable. Unfortuetly it was way to much work to find all of those things that bethesda forgot to fix, and they never patched those out in later patches as far as i know. This caused for example the nord hero bow to be un-upgradable while other bows of its tier were. G.E.C.K's creation engine makes it realy easy to mod, but also dificult in some regards if your not realy savy in modding like me.

What i am trying to say though is that i hope they will make the new version of their modding toolkit a bit better on the user friendlyness so more novice people can also get into modding the game more easily. As for your unfortued history with mods breaking your game, it does sometimes happen, and it is the risk you take when modding a game. But most of the time, mods are perfectly save to use, but to be save, always backup saves and such before you mod the game, and back them up again when you change something or add new mods again.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:11 pm

Don't know what to tell you, maybe you're just picking shoddy mods.

I've never had a texture mod just uninstall a default texture where if I uninstalled a texture the game tanked. I wasn't speaking for the community just myself and friends. Maybe we're just more careful or know what we're doing. Again don't know what to say. I've always been able to resolve a mod issue without resorting to a reinstall. Plus I only use well known mods with a history.
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:53 am

Lol I just noticed that out of all these posts no one has still answered my first question. I got so carried away on the mod topic even I forgot I had 2 questions. XD

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:38 pm

As do I, please stop coming off so pretentiously. So you had better luck than I did, I'm careful too. I know what I'm doing. Don't insult my intelligence, I'd appreciate it.

Edit: You and your friends' experiences do not speak for everyone, I hope you know that. And I know you pointed out you weren't, but you were trying to speak for the entire community, or you think you're better than the entire community. Either one.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:39 am

hardcoe mode was great I often built my character then put his hp at 50 so my survivability was more realistic as well, at the start one or two well placed shots was enough to put you down. I will probably be releasing a quick mod when FO4 comes out doing the same thing to give challenge to those who enjoy more, the realistic elements. I'm part of the generation that has the opinion games are just spoon feeding and reducing challenge to coddle those that can't face adversity nor read dialogues and quest logs properly.

I've read that hardcoe mode is out, although from no official channel from what I remember. From the looks of the E3 combat demo some of those enemies look really rather quite tough already.

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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:34 am


I have never had a mod break my personal game, I have only heard of many people losing their's and that's why I'm so paranoid. Yes, I admit if I download these mods they will probably work fine and that'll be that. But I mean it's like saying "you have a 99% chance to win a million dollars, but in the case of that 1% you're life will be completely ruined." An extreme and not very accurate example but you get the point, a high risk, high reward, but the risk will probably not happen. Also, I know how to be safe on downloading mods it's just that feeling that it still may not work.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:01 am

Never said they did, but again I've just never come across anyone in years of modding where a mod just wrecked someone's game to the point of reinstall.

Brohug now?
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:21 pm

Generally speaking, I've only had 2 experiences that have broken my games. Normally I install and run mods just fine with little no issue, so long as you keep an eye on your load order and make sure nothing conflicts you should be all right. Don't let me make you paranoid of modding!

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