From what I read, it hasn't been slowed down at all. Everyone that saw the demo talked about how quickly the enemies were dispatched and how brutal the combat felt. The way the described it sounds awesome to me. The only thing that sounded like it was long was the dragon fight and that's because they are bosses. Supposedly it took 3 minutes to down the dragon. Brutal, fast combat is what I would like to see :celebration:
Not sure that means that combat speed hasn't been slowed down, it was stated that Todd's character for the demo was beefed up in everything, basically on god mode
What I would like to see, and some comments from Todd have given me hope, is that TES takes a page out of M&B. Sure, an awful game in terms of everything outside of combat, but it nailed the basics of what first-person sword and shield combat should feel and look like.
I hope the combat is "slower" than Oblivon in terms of player movement, but health is lowered and or damage is increased to make fights a bit shorter and more realistic. (that bandit took 5 hacks to the face and is still running at me, really?)