We love mods right? I mean we really LOVE mods? Can I get a hell yeah!
Well theres lots of lovly shinny pretty things coming from modders all over the place! We have PES, Nexus, ElricM, the little corner of your mums basemant which has a safe hidden behind some lose bricks which has a map detailing the location of a key which opens up a door in some lost hidden cave (with respawing smugglars) which contains a mod.... well you get the point - mods are coming from everywhere!
But sometimes we miss things, sometimes a release isnt "noticed", sometimes news just doesnt spread fast enough....... SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooo I was thinking of setting up a tiny, very small, insignificant and really backwater blog that could quite possibly let people know of new release accross the TES universe, of new ideas and thoughts and possibly reviews of new and old mods.
The only thing is.... I would like some people to help out

I would like the blog to be updated as much as possible and have like a "new mod of the week", "new modder of the week/modder of the week" type section. Maybe get some sort of interview proccess going on like the beth blog ect....
essentially I am thinking of a Modders blog - created by modders for modders. Keep up to date with mod releases etc.....
so urm.... anyone think this is a good idea? I've already working on the blog