Hello Everyone, I've been playing Bethesda games since I bought morrowind in 2005, Each time a Fallout or ES game came out, It would be my favourite game since the last one, Fallout 4. was not, here's why
It all boils down to the lack of an RPG aspect as opposed to an FPS one
The leveling system
Fallout 3 had 13 skills;
Combat Skills - Big Guns, Energy Weapons, Explosives, Melee Weapons, Small Guns, and Unarmed.
Active Skills - Lockpick, Medicine, Repair, Science, Sneak.
Passive Skills - Barter, Speech.
Having a high skill in any of those in the last 4 games would enable you to pass certain Dialogue checks during quests.
(Note that is copy pasted from a Reddit post however I think its a good starting point and I can't put it any better)
This was not the case in Fallout 4. Fallout 4 didn't have these skills, which I felt took away from my Characters individuality, which may I add, was non existant. I could be the master of all trades having every 'Perk' In the game maxed out, Which was another problem I had, The perks were very lack luster and not MANY, albeit a few, Had many Unique entertaining 'Perks' and they each worked off a level system, the few and far between unique perks usually came at the end of the 5 levels,
in short, I HATED the leveling system and removal of skills, Maybe its individual taste, but I know a lot of people who feel the same
Heres some other quick points
-Special stats could all be improved on
-Perks were limiting, felt underwhelming when leveling up
-Reminds me of dungeons and dragons, used to be innovative
My Character wasn't me, I was simply along for the ride
The new dialogue wheel along with the voiced protagonist pretty much ensured this
I had 3 options and a Charisma speech check usually in the dialogue wheel, usually consisting of
-Yes ( Sarcastic )
-No, but I will probably will have to later
-Give me caps! -Speech check-
I'm sorry Bethesda. but you said this wouldn't limit my ability for speech, MAYBE this didn't ? maybe it was the lack of any skills like I said above, but compared to other fallout games, my speech was extremely LIMITED, I don't need to explain why I don't associate this word with bethesda games.
On top of this, the story forces me to be a caring father, whos just looking for his son, Christ I even have a full fledged Back story, I was in the army or something? Oh... thats nice? Which brings me to my next point
I don't even know what to say about this. There's probably none because you're forced to be a father who makes good karma decisions 99.9 percent of the time, Hell, theres no way to do an evil playthrough its just 4 good playthroughs with a difference of ideals
I've touched on this already but for me the dialogue was appalling.
Dialogue was limited as all hell, also it felt like there was no reason you would ever talk to someone
unless you 100% needed to for quest progression or bartering reasons, Half the people wouldn't even talk back ffs, Not having the skills or unique dialogue perks took away at least half of the dialogue options that were in previous fallout games.
I can't stress enough how it felt like there was absolutely 0 need to talk to anyone, just reiterating
The voiced protagonist was also awful for a role playing game such as this one IN MY OPINION
and again took away from my feeling of actually being the character
Finding GOOD quests
The side quests didn't just kind of appear like in previous fallout games, you had to go looking for them. This, and I didn't give two hoots about any of the side quest characters, there were no branching story side quests. and in almost every side quest I was reminded of how 'I'm just looking for my son!'
Some credit to nmeseth as the point I made on skills was taken from his reddit post
Sincerely - A disappointed Fan, who WILL be buying every game you release in the future.