Dawnguard or Dragonborn?
Dawnguard or Dragonborn?
Dragonborn cause neloth and dunmer and neloth and even more dunmer plus sujamma and awesome dragon shouts.
Even though I love the Forgotten Vale, I must say Dragonborn. Especially if there's some Morrowind nostalgia in you.
vampires or dunmer?
have a look at the trailers and see which one you think is better.
Dragonborn is mainly for side quests. The main quest is really flat....
IMO DawnGuard tends to get a little too annoying. I'd rather not go into specifics on why, but having it enabled, you will notice a definite change in the game world...and that's not always a good thing.
I dunno, I personally like being able to craft arrows, but now I got to contend with vampire attacks. But being a werewolf has never been so much fun...
I've only played Dawnguard and can highly reccomend it. Like the others said, I think your best bet would be to watch the trailers for both DLC's and see which one rocks your boat the most. If you've played Bloodmoon then it goes without saying that you should buy Dragonborn.
Hope you enjoy your purchase!
I think the world space is more gratifying than Dawnguard's and many of the 'features' DG adds aren't very desirable to me. I also enjoy the fact many of the DB side quests aren't directly related to the main quest or theme that it brings where as DG you're still getting vampires shoved down your throat constantly.
Dawnguard main quest > Dragonborn main quest
Dawnguard side quests < Dragonborn side quests
Also, aren't they 30$ each?
That's a pretty good anology. I've done two side-quests in Solstheim and they were absolutely phenomenal.
Maybe he lives in Canada or Australia?
Too bad you didn't get them while they were on sale could have gotten both and Hearthfire for the $20 ! (If your not in a rush to get it might wait to see if they go on sale again.)
Back in December during the sale :
I paid around $27 each for Dragonborn and Dawnguard, and $7 for Hearthfires. Then again I live in Europe.
I have reason to believe that Canadian charge more on items due to a socialistic government, but maybe the prices have gone down? I know they were $30 each when I purchased them for Xbox about a year ago.
Dragonborn is nice but the MQ is awful. I mean really horrifying. I haven't tried Dawnguard.
Thanks guys. Leaning towards Dawnguard and then DB perhaps in a month or two.