I've been wanting to buy skyrim since it launched. But I have read alot of complaints about the PS3 version. Is the Xbox 360 Version still Superior when it comes to being less buggy?
I've been wanting to buy skyrim since it launched. But I have read alot of complaints about the PS3 version. Is the Xbox 360 Version still Superior when it comes to being less buggy?
The last patch really helped the PS3 version, especially with a new character. However, the 360 is a more stable choice in the long run.
Okay thats all I wanted to know. I prefer the 360 Controller. does Skyrim use the D-pad at all? The D-Pad is the only thing I hate about the 360 Controller
I am not a fan of playing games on the PC. I hate keyboards much prefer a Controller
This is my first time on this forum
Is there no way to thank people, say the answer is helpful or that its the correct Answer?
Sadly no, there is no way to thank people that I know of without actually thanking them on the forum.
Honestly, it's just a personal preferance. Skyrim on the PS3 does NOT have the gamebreaking lag and freezing it once had before the patches. My file is 12 MB with Dragonborn and Hearthfire installed and completed, and it runs fine except for the occasional freeze. Same for my brother's 15 MB file with all DLC's. Lag won't kick in until 3-5 hours in (a simple PS3 reset solves this), and even then, I usually never play that long in one sitting anyway. I can't speak for Xbox and its performance with Skyrim though.
In short, whatever console you buy shouldn't make any significant differance in performance. As for the D-pad on the PS3; the PS3 does not have a d-pad in the sense you're thinking of. What it has are 4 directional buttons where the left anolog stick on the 360 controller is. I think the PS3 controller layout is better than the 360's layout, but that's just my opinion. The left anolog stick and "d pad" or directional buttons are reversed on the PS3 controller compared to the 360 controller.
And you're welcome
You use D-pad for:
D-Pad Up / Down > Favorites
D-Pad Left / Right (Under Favorites Menu,Hold to assign) > Quick Keys
The only think i hate on the D-pad - it feels very loose...
The 4 direction cross is much more stable if you want to make quick choices.