You know, the issues in which every non-essential NPC would die whilst I wasn't looking. This is honestly the reason I haven't touched the game in 8+ months.
You know, the issues in which every non-essential NPC would die whilst I wasn't looking. This is honestly the reason I haven't touched the game in 8+ months.
If you play on PC, grab When Vampires Attack. It tweaks the AI so named NPCs flee instead of engaging the vampires (most of the time, anyway).
They've finished with all their patches, and I don't think anything was done about this. I guess this was the way they intended the game to be, or they just didn't see it as a serious enough issue to deal with.
Yea it's not really fixed... just make sure to save allot and reload when a vampire attack happens.
people really need to learn the definition of RPG... stop trying to control the world and simply let it go on around you. If people or followers die, so be it. Im sick of seeing people whine about having to reload cos some worthless NPC died.
Don't speak that way about Nazeem!
The Cloud dist would never be the same...
Ya'll are scaring me . I don't have Dawguard yet. I sure as heck don't want empty villages. That will annoy me greatly!
Well as long as it does not [censored] up a quest I don't give a [censored] if a NPC dies. But I'm a completeionist. If I can't finish all the quests in a game I have to replay it until I do, but I'm not a fan of doing the same quest over and over again thats way the save fiction is so good.
Yeah, if thats a problem dont play RPG's.
First off I agree with you that I wouldn't take it too personal or care too much if an NPC dies, unless it was my main man Teldryn Sero. However, what exactly is the definition of an RPG? There is no answer to this question, because RPG's today incorporate many elements from different genre's and other genre's use RPG elements as well. But im not sure Ive ever heard of the RPG that defined itself using features like: "We let your NPC's die!" or "We take the control right out of your hands!" Maybe you need to play more RPG's before you try to give people the "definition" of an RPG.
its not that bad, i've never lost any important npcs. I have lost a guard and one of the redguards that chill in whiterun for that one quest. The vamps are usually lightly armored and use steel weapons so they die pretty quick.
I'd be fine with it happening, if the villages replenished their populations after a while, but the way it is, the vampire attacks just leave the villages empty unless you catch them early. I'm fine with stuff happening in the world that I can't control, but not if it means that world becomes devoid of life.
Well, some people would like to go to a town and not have it be bereft of all named NPCs because they're low-level, highly perishable, and have no sense of self-preservation and SOMEone at BGS thought it would be a wonderful idea to drop Boss-level vampires into the middle of them all.
If you're fortunate enough to be on PC, you can get the mod "" which at least sends all non-hardened NPCs scurrying for shelter when the vamps come into town. "" can be used to reduce the frequency of attacks in general (not just vamps). A sister mod to "When Vampires Attack" is "", which makes them go fleeing when a drac attack occurs, which is also useful.
Yeah its not more of glitch more than it is a bad design choice.
The issue is that sometimes they'll spawn without you realizing. They can spawn in the overworld towns if you just pass too close to them, and you'll just never know until you go back and find it empty. The other big issue I've had is in Whiterun. They can spawn any time you leave a building in a town, and immediately start attacking. So if you leave, say, Dragonsreach, they can spawn at the front gate of Whiterun, so every time you leave, you have to just haul ass across the entire town if you want any hope of saving the the blacksmith. Of course, the vast majority of the time, they didn't even spawn, but you still need to make the run, because if you don't all those NPCs will be dead before long.
It effectively makes it so that you have to check the front gate of every town, every time you leave a building. It's obnoxious.
dunno i think i've just been lucky then, usually the town guard slaughters a master vampire then the weaker vamp and thrall appear and get cut down pretty quick. Also my whiterun has two permanent alkir warriors to help in its defense and i've only ever had one of them die. Like i said though i might have just been lucky, some people have had issues with the vamps targeting namped npcs instead of the guards.
I don't believe there were any patches in the DLC's, all I know is that the Oghma Infinium glitch got fixed and the Wood Elf in the Black Briar Meadery got fixed so you can't get your speech to 100 from him. Dawnguard is still wonky from what I can tell but since calming the Moth Priest down, I haven't ran into a single glitch in Dawnguard yet.
I was able to complete the DG main quest without one single NPC dying from a vampire attack. AAMOF, the only NPC I had die that whole time was Riverwood's blacksmith, and he was killed by a dragon. Vampire attacks aren't broken, they are almost totally random. I've had way more vamp attacks in the wild than I've had in any town.