I was thinking about making the main character a very cowardly non violent scholar who is "Accidently" chosen to be sithis's champion. And with this sithis soon forces the scholar to help in the creation of a cult of worshipers willing to murder in his name and if he refuses he is threatened to be killed off. Also since the scholar is cowardly and non violent he begins to find himself in a tight spot when he is force to go out and kill innocents as he's to scared to murder but he's to scared to die also. I really don't have a good plot outline or any characters but i need to know if this is a good idea or not before i go further into it.
Really thats all i have so far. If you think i should do something different or have any other story ideas (such as a story not about the dark brotherhood or something completely differen't) please tell me. Do want to create my own fan fic and i would like any other ideas if you got any, again i have been rping for a long time and i would like to move on to an actual story.