I told the Institute maybe and the RR maybe but now I have to report to Desdemona about some quest and all she wants to hear is if I want to join or not. Can I just not collect on these until I join and will they fail if I don't join that faction? Can I tell all these people yeah I'll join and change my mind later. I'm already a bit of a double agent. People said you'll know when its the point of no return. Am I just thick or is this not the pnr or did I already pass it? Will this also come up again with the BoS now that I've gone to the institute and everyone seems to want me to make a decision?
Also I did some RR quests fighting synths. The synths weren't my enemy but I didn't want to leave Glory to do all the work so I shot some. They didn't seem to mind. Towards the end there were 5 in a room and I'd been shooting them and having wounded ones not care so I just started shooting them and some got mad. I don't think its cut me off from further inst quests but I'm not sure if they all hate me now or just the ones in that room.