dogs and many other creatures made it... where in the hell did the cats go please give your theories on where the cats went also i'm not a cat lover i hate cats but i just realized that there are none and no references to them in the last game or in this one
While I was talking to Mr. House after killing all boomers, he said "That's more than one way to skin a cat" after that he said "Cats are extinct" I guess Mr. Mittens didn't take nuclear bomb all to well?
Cats are still in the game, what do you think Mole Rats are? Thats right they were once Cats that mutated with rats and became hairless and now there the terror of the waste... worse then Ceaser they are.
Cats are still in the game, what do you think Mole Rats are? Thats right they were once Cats that mutated with rats and became hairless and now there the terror of the waste... worse then Ceaser they are.
No there just No different then giant radscoprions or radroaches, mundane beast made big.
I had a disscusion with someone on yahoo awnsers we cameto the conclusion that the centares have cats in them and the rest dided of(in america)it woud be nice to see a lion,chetta, or puma(not the jeep)