yes... my weekend starts at wednesday november 11th!, day after release (mailman is coming in the afternoon with the pysical copy, then it takes me around 4-6 hours to download the content (pleeease preload options for the people who ordered a physical PC copy)
Your poll is missing an option, I typically have that day off anyway and I work the evening shift.
I set my Vacation for November 9th - 30th at the start of the year. So when Bethesda announced the release date, i thought "perfect 3 weeks Fallout-Time for me".
As it turns out, I'll have plenty of time to play. After having surgery a couple of weeks ago, I am not allowed to do much of anything for 6 more weeks, so Fallout will be a welcome distraction.
work a 4 day week, and can't really take those days off. but, will be off fri, sat, and sun, will play then. also had a couple weeks a vacation to burn before I loose it in march, so will take off the first week of dec and log some serious playing time.
I took three days off (couldn't get the Friday too). If I didn't have kids then I wouldn't have felt so compelled to take more than just the release day off, but for those of you who know what it's like to have little kids, you can't be sitting on your computer when there are snacks to be made, diapers to change, kiddie fights to break up, and so on and so forth.