Have you ever been called a hacker?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:21 am

Today i got called hacker becoz i got 2 back to back 30kills and 10 deaths match.

But OP looking at your score i think you were using speed hack.Without hacking it is very hard to get that much frag points.And so little kill.No matter how good you are without a proper gun you are doomed.Any one who gets such score in CTR games must be using some hack.

This kind of attitude is what get us good players kicked or called hackers, this is not impossible or difficult when the other plays are not good at all. And why would I post something like this if I was hacking, that's just....unbelievably stupid.

I have over 130 hours of game-play under my belt for this game and sick of people ruining multiplayer, I really love this game a lot wish Crytek would just take extreme measures to combat hackers.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:36 am

lol been there. As soon as you're up at 12-0 you're pretty much a hacker in everyone's eyes.
Oh well we all saw this coming with votekick feature. I for one am still glad we have votekick to kick actual hackers.

The sad part is how difficult it is for the average player to figure out. They should have made the vote-kick feature more user friendly.
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:24 am

In "Crysis 2" ... "NO"

In other games I'm actually good at .. "YES"

Truthfully most of the time I don't have a "hacker score" as some people say .. I usually have about 20% to 50% more kills than deaths (e.g: 15/10, or 20/10), sometimes I get nice scores like 17/1, but that is usually not the case, and I usually end up around the 2nd to 5th placed player on my team, maybe about 10% to 20% of the time am I the "top player". I don't svck, but I don't consider myself eleet either.

I am getting better.. this is my "first time playing Crysis series games in multiplayer" .. I have Crysis and Crysis Warhead/Wars .. went to play "Wars" online one time, but I had installed and uninstalled Crysis Warhead so many times, when I went to install "Wars" I had to email "EA" to get them to re-auth the game, by the time they did that, I was'nt interested in playing again online.

So.. I think I do ok for my first Crysis multiplayer ... cause to me it's different than the other FPS games I usually play, or just alot more things to "remember to do" .. like armoring up before you jump infront of 3 enemies, that usually does'nt work so well without armor .. lol?

I'm still not used to it .. I screw up all the time and hit my "cloak" button instead of "armor" .. then get blasted to hell and back. Also.. my "suicide nades" I throw when I know I'm gonna die, that just does'nt work so well in C2 for me .. Argh!
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jaideep singh
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:34 am

In a counter strike server I was banned because everyone thought I was hacking. I took on 6 guys are once in one room with my M4A1, I came out on top. Everyone cried and vote banned me.

I got banned on more than 6 cs_assault servers on CS:Source. It took me a while to find 2 servers with really good admins to finally be able to play without threat or interruption.... well minus a few times one of the newbie admins would kick, ban or admin abuse me.

And I just got called hacker constantly on Crysis 2 by 2 guys from a clan called SaM just today. They kept calling me a "Known" hacker just because I kind of wiped the floor with them a few times before plus I still kept bumping and killing them most of the time for some reason. All this happening while an aimbotting team mate of theirs was racking up kills AND they want me votekicked.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:34 am

Cheaters are a real problem and the fact that someone call you hacker even if you are not cheating is only a consequence of the cheaters existance. So, if cheaters could not join clean servers nobody could call you hacker! So, cheaters, you are the the only responsible for this crap and I hate you all!

Good point.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:14 am

I get somewhat suspicious when I'm killed with a fire burst of two microseconds from SCAR into torso. How does that happen? Armor or health doesn't seem to make any difference in most cases.
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Jennifer Rose
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:02 am

lol had a 23-0 score once (and a bunch of games before and after with a K/D ratio of ~17)
didnt get called a cheater...

but back when i was playing counterstike source i got banned from at least 1-2 serveres a month becous they thought i was cheating :P

only game i have ever cheated in was doom and starcraft (singelplayer) back when i was 10 or something like that...
never cheated in a multiplayer game and never will...

cheating is like paying to have someone else play the game for you...
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:07 am

I have been once or twice. I don't use hacks of course, and i wouldn't even call myself awesome enough to be accused of hacks. I was obviously just pulverising a crybaby.
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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:37 am

Well i constantly get called a cheater. Theres not a a day that goes by where people dont try to vote kick me or a admin kicking me. I dont really blame the people who call me a cheater, its more the lack of anti cheat that has lead too soo many cheaters roaming free. Making the community dubt the people who are good.


If my team can hold the crash site, im most likley to roam infront preventing the other team to capture it. I dont always play that role, depends on the team.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:01 am

In a counter strike server I was banned because everyone thought I was hacking. I took on 6 guys are once in one room with my M4A1, I came out on top. Everyone cried and vote banned me.

I got banned on more than 6 cs_assault servers on CS:Source. It took me a while to find 2 servers with really good admins to finally be able to play without threat or interruption.... well minus a few times one of the newbie admins would kick, ban or admin abuse me.

And I just got called hacker constantly on Crysis 2 by 2 guys from a clan called SaM just today. They kept calling me a "Known" hacker just because I kind of wiped the floor with them a few times before plus I still kept bumping and killing them most of the time for some reason. All this happening while an aimbotting team mate of theirs was racking up kills AND they want me votekicked.

That is the game I get "accused of hacking in" .. Counter-Strike:Source .. does'nt matter that I've been playing the "Counter-Strike series" of games since it's beta release, I only played it here and there in beta stages, then started seriously playing it in 1997/1998, my "Steam ID" is 5 digits, you "rarely" see a 6 digits, you rarely see 5 or 6 digit Steam ID's, because alot of them tried out "hacking" and got busted, hence their ID went bye bye .. I still have mine, never have hacked, never will. Even though I have a Steam ID half the age of some of the people playing, I still get accused of "walling" or "aimbotting" .. mostly "walling" cause I shoot people through the doors. I try explaining to them, after playing this game for 12 years, you can pretty much know that someone will be hiding behind that door in the corner, so I spam the door with bullets and kill them .. then comes the "OMG .. YOU HACKING POS!" .. lol?

I've got "banned by admins" from a server .. but NEVER by any anti-cheat detection system! Usually I email the head admin of the server and get "unbanned" too after he watches the demo of me playing. Smart players can tell the difference between door spammers and wallers.

I've had hackers approach me in Counter-Strike / Counter-Strike:Source .. one kid offered me $100.00 to "buy my Steam acct."! I asked him why? He said "I want your 6 digit Steam ID".. I asked him "why does he want my ID" .. he said "So people will stop accusing me of hacking" .. I told him, this 6 digit ID is not going to stop the accusing, they will still accuse you. He nagged and nagged me, finally I just logged off. My guess was, he was a "hacker" and was hoping that people would see his "low ID number" and think he was legit... lol
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:29 am

Sometimes when I get like 22-4 or something like that raging Kids call me a hacker :D
But thanks to the killcam, this doesn't happen often enough to complain about it.
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tiffany Royal
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:48 am

I've just been accusing of cheating 10 mn ago, this becomes really really annoying, nothing on killcam actually shows i'm hacking but just because i'm winning, or maybe being just lucky like hell ( 30 - 4 ) ( orbital strike + ceph ship ) on crash site . Can't believe where this game is going..
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Yama Pi
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:48 am

Get killed with 2 shots even in armor mode and fire a whole clip of direct impacts to kill some players is usually a lag issue,
I′ve seen players with 5 of PING killing everyone with aparently 2 shots of Feline.
It′s normal that noob players think that someone is hacking.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:17 pm

last week i was being called a hacker on Skyline. 10-0 in a few minutes. would have been more kills if i wasn't explaining to them how crappy they play >.>
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kitten maciver
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:44 pm

Yup, same stuff here. Can we get better skill level separation? Honestly it's getting boring destroying idiots who think a good player is cheating, and they're clearly not having fun either.

I think putting people of similar skill level together will fix a lot of these issues
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:18 am

He is for sure not a hacker, I played against him many times.

FWE Sultaan
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candice keenan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:08 am

I usually get accused of hacking every single time I play this game...what can we do, man? you can't turn off awesome! hackers are usually pretty easy to recognize, but given the state of this game at release (seems a bit better these days), I can't blame the noobs. Just the other day someone called me hacker...and then we went to skyline...I OWN THAT BOARD, opened with a 32-0 killstreak, finished like 42-8. Honestly it usually makes me own the noobs harder because it just pisses me off.
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Taylor Bakos
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:22 am

I guess being a " skilled player" starts with having a pretty new if not state of the art rig and a very fast internet connection? Anyone wish to disagree or comment?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:09 pm

Yeah I get called a hacker quite a bit, I had a 3 matches in a row where I was MVP with 16 - 18 kills and 0 deaths.

one of those levels being Terminal, and to come out of that level with no deaths does look very suspect.

but yeah, I'm no hacker :(

for some reason i can't attach a screen shot "Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached" no idea that means, but yeah, was the score page, me with 18 kills 0 deaths... no biggy

I will own u like every time hahaha :P

but seriously though I have played with blackers_uk for some time and he's a good player

and for my self got called a hacker occasionally, one time was in light house map with score of 13-0
P.S. if u wanna get a high K/D ration play crash site game the noob factor r alot in there :D
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:57 pm

YES i have been called a hacker with an KD radio of 17/0 yesterday.
It was at the map lighthouse, and i was sniping from the lighthouse. It WAS JUST MY F*CKING DAY AND HATE THAT ALLOT Of people have started an votekick against me
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:17 am

Yes I have been called a hacker, but I think it was resonable because I was lagging like crazy on that day and lag killed heaps of ppl.
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