did you ever have a dream that you where in skyrim after a long session of playing skyrim?
if so what happened?
i never had a skyrim dream (at least i don't remember it).
did you ever have a dream that you where in skyrim after a long session of playing skyrim?
if so what happened?
i never had a skyrim dream (at least i don't remember it).
I did, it was quite odd though... You see I have Dawnguard and I am a creepy Vampiric Kat-Lord.
Let me tell you what happened. (Very realistic)
I woke up in the Vampire Castle, inside a coffin, a very dusty coffin. I walked out and noticed Serana staring at me, as usual.
I go out to the room where Lord Harkon sits upon his throne. I saw a vampire making out/biting a vampie cattle.
At first it was funny then disturbing cuz "other things" happened like killing her. The vampire grabbed my shoulder and put some human meat infront of me,
I svcked all the blood out of it. Then I became unconsious. I was naked, all my inventory was wiped clean. I got so mad inside
my head, so I went into Vampire Lord form, and killed everyone in ALL OF SKYRIM
I am still surprised I know so many Skyrim places by memory.
Nope. I don't.
As much as I like video games, I never had dreams about them.
My dreams have become completely insane over the last few years, not even remotely interpretable. I remember them well enough but it is just a bunch of vivid imagery that I can't make any sense out of..
I used to be all about dreaming, even practiced dreaming lucid, but I don't know what happened. Maybe it has to do with the meds I am on...
I wish I could have dreams about Skyrim or anything that I could make sense of at least.
I have never dreamed I was in Skyrim, but I have had nightmares about trying to play the game and my Xbox breaks.
Although if I did have a Skyrim dream, I don't think I'd want to wake up ever again.
I think I might have, once or twice. I usually don't remember my dreams very well. Probably a good thing.
When I first got the game I had a dream where I was being chased by a dragon...other then that, no Skyrim dreams.
I used to have vivid dreams while playing Oblivion, where I was exploring the Deadlands. A few of them, I even dreamt I was a Dremora.
I had only two or three about Skyrim that I can actually remember though. Two of them I re-call running for my life while being chased by a Dragon. another dream I was a Dragon Priest(not Hevnoraak, I can't remember the color of the mask, may have been Krosis) and I was conversing with a Revered Dragon about the rebel movement on top of a mountain. Yeah it was probably Krosis.
I tend to dream I'm the enemies I slay instead of the player character I play, lol.
I have had a couple of dreams about Morrowind. But no dreams (so far) about Skyrim.
Most of my dreams.... are interrupted by friggin Valdar! First he imprisons me! Then he periodically wakes me up for the lolz.
VALDAR!!!!! Tahrodiis nikriin!
I'm curious, those who dream that they are in Skyrim, do you dream in digital form or does Skyrim appear lifelike in your dream? I would be more bugged out dreaming that I was a video game then being in the land of Skyrim.
I haven't dreamt that I was in Skyrim or any other game but I have had countless dreams where I'm fighting on an ancient battlefield with swords and such...very vivid ones that make me wake up wet with sweat.
It's difficult to explain... For ex: my Oblivion dreams, they were Oblivion "graphics" but it felt real like almost Skyim graphics. My Skyrim dreams felt even more real-life because of the enhanced graphics...
Yeah, I can't explain it in a comprehensible way. So uh... option C?
I had a dream where I was in a very south-east part of the rift, near a castle. A guess I was in Dayspring Cannyon. The weird thing was that this was way before dawnguard was released. I am not lying.
My last TES related dream that I can remember involved finding Dwemer Airships in a Dwemer Ruin in the Mountains above Skyrim, but I was playing Oblivion and the Dwemer Airships were the Mod added Airship I was using in Game. There is a Dwemer Ruin in the approximate Area I was dreaming of, but it is nothing like the airship base from My Dream
While typing this one, I remembered a Dream about visiting the Wizards Tower after Helgen to get supplies, like the Staff of Hoarfrost
EDIT, I can interpret the last one. I always carried a Staff of Hoarfrost (Staff of Ice Storm, Oblivion Style) when defending Kvatch Bruma. I probably had just spent the day fighting Krosis. My character had only faced Fire Breathing Dragons and I had no idea a Staff of Ice Storm existed.
lol. Didn't that staff also make enemies invisible/chameleon cloak?
The Ice Staff of Horomir, and the Staff of Banishment both caused enemies to become invisible, the Staff of Hoarfrost fired in a cone and could clear the Deadra gaurding an Oblivion Gate with two Shots, due to a weakness to Frost from the first blast, and a lingering Frost Damage effect.
I had to check the UESP, I was fairly certain You were thinking of the Staff of Horomir, but I knew another Staff caused opponents to become invisible.
Yeah, that's the one. I get the names confused...
ha very strange yet I somewhat understand...I wonder will the next TES graphics make your dreams appear lifelike?
None about Skyrim, but I did have one about Fallout not too long ago.