I am not sure I understand. What do you mean by "A-bomb" in that post?
Here's a link to the thread on-site that discusses all aspects of this random bug that can happen in the game.
Here's the thing. Anyone getting the game at this point in time should know that the A-bomb is random, doesn't hit everyone. For me, on my latest PS3 game, I'm at 215 game days with 350 hours played. I was able to do KotN DLC and completed everything I wanted to do. I had a blast. I'd never tell anyone to *not* get the game because it's *that* great and with Skyrim right around the corner, it's a good time to play Oblivion to see what TES is about.
Some people are still very angry about it and I absolutely agree that corporations should back up their products but, for whatever reason this wasn't addressed by Bethesda, (It must be huge or they'd have fixed it, I think) I've decided to just deal with it when I play because, well geez, I played for 350 hours and had a blast...in 4 games over the years 4x350=1400 hours. What other games give us that? I've done plenty of exploring but made sure to keep my games under 365 game days (easy) and have not run into the bug again. Some people have run into the bug sooner but most people never see it at all.
That's all I can contribute...I'm no expert on it but I don't think it'll be in Skyrim so I'll be playing that for years, I'm sure. We'll all push that game to its limits too and I hope we don't find anything.