If so, what did you want to change?
I also wonder if there are those who are a little obsessed with their characters appearance like me, and have hired Galathil's services more than once.
If so, what did you want to change?
I also wonder if there are those who are a little obsessed with their characters appearance like me, and have hired Galathil's services more than once.
Just to check out what my character would look like with a beard or longer hair, but never actually made changes. My Imperial already looks handsome enough.
The only thing I would use them for is a haircut.
I have a lot. Mostly to change hair and and warpaint. I have actually completely remade some of my characters' faces though.
I actually find eye height to be a very serious problem on my characters. It has to be JUST right so they don't look like cavemen, or pixies.
I did and I will never go back she turn me into a beast of a man!
I have a greater issue with the chin. I often end up making it too big somehow.
I've done something like that before, to see what my character would look like when he's old. I changed the complexion setting, and gave him gray hair and a longer beard.
I have a few times since I like to make my character as perfect as possible. I also went to her once because I had my eyes changed for being a werewolf and again when I cured myself and changed the eyes back.
I travelled to Riften once to get a 1000-Septim haircut!
I use her to roleplay as getting a makeover after commiting crimes.
One time i was unhappy with the size of my characters chin...lol. Thought it was to small so i enlarged it slightly. I'm extremely OCD when it comes to my characters appearence, i like to be 100% satisfied with how they look before i can enjoy the game.
yep changed my argonian skin tone from green to pink
Ive played vampires for a long time now and the face sculptor cant work with undead.
I have and generally I only change hair styles and warpaint. Just the things that a person ought to be able to change in RL at a beauty shop or barber.
Mostly I just visited for the achievo. I've got a thing for completing the achievement lists...
But when I did go (after curing my Vampirism to do it... ), I only changed the hair and facial hair for my Dunmer. Plus I wanted to see what he looked like in that awesome lighting and heavy shadows of the Ragged Flagon.
Much better than the bright sunlight of the chopping block, IMO.