By murder, I mean did you kill any of the NPCs found in towns, villages, or any small settlements solely because you didn't like them or because of any other reason? Please do not include Dark Brotherhood targets for the sake of spoilers or the radiant quest because, well, they aren't named NPCs. Perhaps describe some details on how the job was done.
So far, I remember killing Lydia, Iona, Nazeem (surely I'm not alone on this one), and Heimskr. I killed Nazeem for obvious reasons. He was alone in the Drunken Huntsman, standing by the fire. I simply snuck behind him and slit his throat. Surprisingly the Bosmer at the booth did not notice. After the incident did his widow seem to despise me even though she nor anyone else knew who claimed Nazeem's life. She seems to hope the wilds claim me one of these days. Rude woman, for you have no evidence that I killed Nazeem!
Next I killed Heimskr, as I thought he was committing public disorderly conduct, or in simple terms, being annoying. How I did it was very entertaining. Late in the afternoon before it got dark did I sneak up the statue of Talos and conjured a bound bow. Right when he was in the middle of finishing his heretical ranting did I fire my bow straight into his back. He fell to his knees and then I fired a second arrow (which went into an epic kill cam that followed the arrow), killing him.
I sort of regret killing both of them because the town feels more empty and less alive without Heimskr's speeches or Nazeem asking if I go the Cloud District. However, I do enjoy the quietness when walking around.
Why I killed Lydia and Iona is a bit ridiculous. Both being forced upon housecarls did I dislike the fact that they live in my home and sit their awkwardly while I sleep (especially the ever hostile attitude Iona). I killed Lydia early in the game while trying to reach Riften. After we killed a couple bandits that attacked us did I randomly decide to decapitate her with my blade. Why I killed her at that very moment, I do not know, but considering it was my first ever decapitation I was thinking more like "Holy crap, that was AWESOME!" I killed Iona solely because of her just sitting in my house staring at me when I slept. Very disturbing. Late at night did I take her out to the lake outside of Riften and then snuck behind her and slit her throat. She slept with the fishes that night.
Although I felt bad after some of the murders I have committed the kills themselves were oh so satisfying.