Very cool 5 level dungeon by German modder Brachial, translation by WalkerInShadows through lady Li's Egg Translator.
Tough enemies (beware even the rat, not to mention the dwarf-goblins

Not a bad reward especially if someone fixes the bug with disintegrating some of the reward weapons.
If you are bored with your life - go and die. I did.
Another word about WalkerInShadows'' translation work; In less than a month he hopes to finish translating another (huge) German Quest mod. Its daddy said he ain't so crazy as to try translate such mountain of entries (only dialogues over 2000 entries!).
German players swear by it and call it Mother of all quests. I have it downloaded but with my limping rusty German and bilingual breaking the immersion - still haven't tried it.
Now, I am happy I didn't and am happy WalkerInShadows is doing it all for us.
Still not salivating? Well, I know I am.
Thank you, modders and translators. The more the better!