Meh, Morthal is rather boring anyways. Though imo it has the best Jarl.
I remember my first visit to Morthal. I was lugging a ton of stuff I had looted and needed to sell. "Great, a town, now I can sell off some of this crap." Except... no I couldn't sell it because they don't have a smith or even a general store there, it svcks.
This is certainly an issue.
However, I've got a small parcel of land out on the coast, it's secluded, yet I can get to Solitude in about a half day's walk, if you don't want to get your feet wet, a couple hours if you swim across the strait. (game time obviously) The sea is amazingly, beautiful at sunrise.
Yes that house has a beutifull view.
Solitude to the west Morthal to the south and Dawnstar to the east a good location for such a secluded place.
Morthal is worth traveling too, just for the side quests.
If you go there, there is a certain infestation that you should look into...
I love Morthal, it's maybe my favorite "city".
Because during my very first play thru, was was trying to get from Whiterun to Solitude (or somewhere up north).
I was trudging through some very dangerous wilderness. There was awful snow outside, and it was night. And I ran across a place where I could rest for the night. Sounds silly but I always liked Morthal afterwards. It's small and non-pretentious, and a nice place to stop for the night in the middle of the cold dark wilderness.
I do like the quest about the burned down house too.
I just wish it had a blacksmith,all towns and city's should have a blacksmith.
I went there for it's one quest and to become Morthal's Thane, but afterwards, there is little to no reason to return.
It doesn't take long to run out of things to see and do in Morthal, Dawnstar and Falkreath. At least Winterhold has the Mage's College.
My most visited locations would probably be Whiterun and Riften. I always find myself passing by Whiterun, and many quests seem to take me to Riften, aside from the Thieve's Guild quests.
When I visit a city/town chances are it's Whiterun, Riverwood, Falkreath, or Riften. I don't really care for the others much.
i love morthal.....there's plenty of secrets there and the swamp hides a ton of stuff. one of my favorite places for my alchemists to visit considering the abundance of deathbell, necromancers, undead, and whatnot. if you're on pc you CAN get an upgraded version of it.
Well...get ya axx to mars !
I got the game December just after release and play a couple hours everyday,I just recently visited every location with a single character...
Good, continue doing that so you won't have to look at the hideousness that is Hjaalmarch.
I love the alchemist in Morthal. She is quite friendly and I would like to be her apprentice, yet Milore Ienith took it.
I'm guessing you don't like Black Marsh
I actually like Morthal.