Haha no problem. To expand on that a bit i'll say after using the 360 interface for 5 years I much prefer the PS3 XMB. It's just so much more elegant. The 360 dashboard looks cheap and kiddy to me. On top of that I prefer the Blu Ray player, the internet browser is a nice extra feature just to have, the photo viewer is much better on the PS3, free online, much better and many more exclusives, and I like the look of the system better as well.
ok. Ya the blue ray player really had me at day one when it first came out. I already had my 360 and I was going why can't microsoft do the same thing? and the free online is awesome to! and I agree the dashboard looks terrible. when they said they were upgrading it, I was super excited only to be very disappointed when it looked exactly the same.
Also the PS3 can play 3D games and movies if you happen to own a 3D television and go for that kind of thing....Aslo the PS Move works greats and you canl games like Killzone 3 and Socom 4 with the PS3 Shar Shooter which also works great.
blah!!! I HATE 3D.. actually... I can't see it... so that's why I hate it....
Since I can't see 3D all it does is give me a major headache and make my eyes burn in their sockets. That is definitely not a factor for me. Good point though!
Just remember that free =/= better when it comes to online.I have both systems (so don't think I'm just like any other rabid Xbox fan) but I VASTLY prefer the 360. Granted, KillZone 3 is an amazing game, but I spend 95% of my time on my 360.@Dark Reaper: Both the PS3 and the 360 have games that support 3D.
true. i have found that free doesn't always mean better..... arg... why do both of them have to be so good?! This is just like the stupid Mac vs. PC thing. Why can't they just all get along and share everything??
I already know the answer to that. no need to tell me.
:lol:Anyway imo the PS3 is a better console and if you don't use Xbox's online features anyway (plus your friends and what not) I see no reason, minus the Gears of War series of course, not to go with a PS3.
Ya. I really don't use the 360 online features. but I love gears of war. Like I said if Gears of war AND Skyrim were on 360, then I would stick with the 360. But since Skyrim is now available on both.. it made me start thinking. THANKS BETHESDA!!!!!! :dry:
This is what I was going to say.I have both, and I like the PS3 just a hair better than the 360.But I made that decision only recently. I find myself playing the PS3 more than the 360, and one thing I love about the PS3 is that it doesn't sound like a lawnmower.

very true! I remember when I tried to sneak and play video games without my parents knowing.... they always did because of how loud the 360 was.
I'd get a PS3 if all my friends weren't on Xbox.Those bastards.Mainly the free online and the nice menu system. and the PS3 exclusives are way better than....GearsOW and Halo.(Their ok but Ratchet and Clank hold a special place in my heart)
Never liked Halo very much. I knew someone was going to post about halo! but you did it in a way I like better because you're not supporting it. haha. I just really don't like either of the exclusive choices that both companies have to offer.
I like Gears of War on 360 (think I have made that apparent now) and God of War on PS3. Thats about it.
You should also consider the developers that favor, for one reason or another, a certain console, but aren't totally loyal to it. Take Rockstar for example. The DLC for GTA IV came out on Xbox 360 first, for obvious reasons (Microsoft's money). While it did eventually come out on the other platforms, they still released Red Dead Redemption exclusively on the Xbox, and they're doing the same for L.A. Noire. While they aren't tied to producing games exclusively for one console like Bungie was with Halo, it's clear where their allegiance lies. This is the first developer that came to mind, though I'm sure there are others, for both platforms. Similarly, if you want to play JRPGs or any localized Japanese game in general, you'd be crazy to go with the Xbox 360 over the PS3, which is like comparing an ocean to a shallow puddle. Not to mention that Microsoft's wallet ensures that they'll be able to get DLC of popular games to come out on their platform first. I apologize if it sounds like I'm trying to convince you to stick with the 360, I'm just trying to get across the fact that there are more "exclusive" things to consider than the more obvious games, like Gears or Resistance.
wow.... good point... I loved Red Dead Redemption.
As for the DLC, you said they always end up coming on to both, so what would be the difference besides me waiting a little longer? Is there a difference in graphics? or what? Don't apologize. The whole reason I made this topic is to figure this out dude!