Generally, norwegians speaking english sound rather feeble, so I wouldn't want all the nords speaking in that accent. Danish ones might be even worse. It would sound as if they were walking around in their own country, speaking a different tongue than their own, even with eachother - unnatural.
Different accents are great tho, I loved Sheogoraths scottish one in SI. Giving the nords a beautiful irish brogue would actually sound great...I only wish Ronny Drew were still alive, he'd be great for some of the bar patron voices Imagine the barkeep speaking in this voice:
Hah, im the opposite, i actually treasure my accent when talking english. Far more unique and cool then talking some wannabe american-english accent. The European english-accents are all very cool imo. Russians, Germans, Scots etc..
Hah, im the opposite, i actually treasure my accent when talking english. Far more unique and cool then talking some wannabe american-english accent. The European english-accents are all very cool imo. Russians, Germans, Scots etc..
I crinch everytime I hear a strong danish accent, it's one of the worst accents ever ^^ I prefer speaking with an actual english accent.
Hah, im the opposite, i actually treasure my accent when talking english. Far more unique and cool then talking some wannabe american-english accent. The European english-accents are all very cool imo. Russians, Germans, Scots etc..
When I'm unprepared and I have to speak English, for example when I address someone who turns out to be a foreigner beyond all expectations, I own Petter on this. Take that.
English spoken with Scandinavian accents just sound plain bad, with Danish probably being the worst one. :laugh:
im really hoping that they if they have voice acting, the nords are voiced by actual Scandinavian people, because from what i heard of the teaser, it was an american trying to sound nordic which kinda ruined the atmosphere a lil, but overall still a good video!
I have probably already been ninja'd over 9000 times, but that voice actor is actually Swedish.
Or the names of the people. Just sounds wrong in my norwegian ears.
udyrfrykte, I had a good laugh when I fought it. But yeah, even though there are many talented american voice actors, seeing some other scandinavian actors would be great. Stellan Skarsgaard had been perfect for a voice! same goes for Dennis Storh?i( the blonde, funny viking in 13th warrior)
As long as the game doesn't end up sounding like Fargo.. Scandinavian accents are distinct, but they sound more dim-witted than bad-ass. I say this as a Norwegian.
What I'd like is more accent-less voice actors. I don't like the overuse of British accents to make it sound like "old times".
Max von Sydow is a professional actor, and his Swedish accent isn't really noticeable. His age (81 years) is noticeable, though. I'm about as impressed with his lines as with Patrick Stewart's ones in Oblivion, i.e., not that much. I suppose lesser actors would have struggled even more with the overly dramatic dialogue given to them, though.
I'm not sure Nords with Swedish accents would help my immersion, it would make me think of contemporary Swedes more than Nords or Vikings. Icelandic accents would sound sufficiently foreign to me, perhaps.