Hmm, doesn't the possibility for interactive effects or load-order effects sort of mess that up?
Take my load order for example:
Spoiler Oblivion.esm
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp
Enhanced Economy.esp
Map Marker Overhaul.esp
Map Marker Overhaul - SI additions.esp
Harvest [Flora].esp
Bag of Holding.esp
Toggleable Quantity Prompt.esp
Denock Arrows.esp
Let There Be Darkness - Cyrodiil.esp
Tyler's Hungry, Thirsty, Sleepy, Tired.esp
I've had CTDs, and based on process of elimination, reputation among more experienced Oblivion players, and the sequence when my CTDs started, I feel pretty confident those CTDs were being caused by either: MD Saddlebags, or Tyler's, or some aspect of Enhanced Economy.
Problem is this: what if it is not simply one of those three, but only when two or more of them are activated together? A split-halves method would potentially not reveal that. Not to mention that, the Enhanced Economy has a ton of different options. Indeed, I suspect that it was only some (or even just one) of the Enhanced Economy options that adjusts prices.
There is yet another layer of interactive effects that I with my lack of expertise fear may be at work: the CTDs only occur when two or more of those mods/mod features are running AND under certain game situations.
Specifically, transferring large number of ingredients with large numbers of items per ingredient seems to have been the consistent cause of my CTDs (not immediately, only when trying to save AFTER doing lots of transferring/potion making) but only with all three of those mods running. I still don't know which possible pair it depended on or if it was only one of them, or all three, or if it was dependent on some threshold amount of items in my inventory being transferred. It could've been having in excess of some total weight of items / number, or it could've been the sheer number of doses of each ingredient, or it might have been having more than some number in any given one ingredient. I suspect it was having more than 40 or so in at least three or more ingredients, but I cannot say for sure that it was not simply having 30 different ingredients, nor that it was having more than 27 ingredients and with a total number of doses exceeding 100 or some other wacky combination like that.
One thing I can say for sure: with all three of those deactivated = no problems with transferring huge numbers of ingredients. But it is so tedious to start, stop, deactivate, start, stop, reactivate, start, stop, etc. that I never really finished doing every possible iteration with the same save file to isolate it precisely.
Wouldn't diagnosing the actual crash details in some sort of crash report be the better approach overall?
ADDIT: one more thing!

It MIGHT have been Advanced Alchemy that was causing my problems! I have stopped using it all together, but I don't recall if I've had any problems since totally deactivating it.
Herein lies the central paradox: you install mods to have more fun playing the game, but then getting the game to play becomes a bug-hunt. Naturally spending more time isolating CTDs is to be avoided, and I find that that causes me to not be as rigorous and thorough in my testing. I say I am confident that it was one of those three, but in fact it might have been that fourth one. Without treating it like a job and keeping a journal it becomes difficult to say for sure.