ive already restarted after 30 hours on my first charactor thinking a slower more methodical approach on survival difficulty would solve my problem, but it didnt. On my second run im none the wiser. I cant betray the institue cause of my son. As a real life father, if i was faced with this choice I'd support my child. Mind you this is my first play through so i want to play as if i would if i was really there. However, how things are set up its like my mind was already made up for me. Its also like when i finally do get to the institue no matter what ive done, none of it measures up to my first impression of that place. Even though i have built up all these settlements and joined the other factions all i can think is "what have i been doing with my life?" "Nothing ive done measures up to this place..." I feel like i wouldnt even leave that place or would want to if i was really there. Thus on my first time going through the story i guess i will chose the institue, but i feel cheated cause its on my first run through the whole story, its like its not even a choice. Granted my view on them may change but that will be after the fact. How can i realistically roleplay a charactor who would even want to side with the railroad, i mean why would i risk my life and betray my son over some robots? And why would i join the brotherhood to go to war against my own flesh and blood? Anyway im just wondering if anyone has the same issues roleplaying as you would really in the game? I will play through the other storylines eventually but i wont feel attached to the charactor since its not something i would have or see myself really doing. I'll just do it to see the storyline. Please dont post spoliers past the mission when you betray the Railroad. I just want to hear your thoughs on my situation and if anyone feels the same way up to where im at in the story.