I found vanilla Skyrim way too easy. I can't even play it anymore. I had to self-nerf and purposely do things like only use iron, etc. Especially at high levels.
I have been using mods like deadly dragons, ACE combat, and Deadly Combat. Here is the problem:
If I play using light armor, a couple hits and I am dead. Sometimes one arrow will kill me. If I use a two handed weapon, I can't power attack because it gets interrupted by someone's fast attack and I get staggered and then hit a few times before I can even swing again.
I want o play using light armor, archery (but not sneak) and dual wielding plus some spells like restoration and alteration. Can you guys recommend a solution?
One more thing is that if I use sword and shield, after I block, my right hand does this weird bashing movement which prevents me from counter-attacking.
And are there any good lore friendly mods that add either high level creatures for late game, and/or make enemies level higher?