Im trying to get my damned NPC to initiate conversation with the player, but he refuses to. Here's the setup. You walk into a room and enter a trigger, changing a quest stage, and telling the NPC to evp. The changed quest stage makes the condition on his dialog package True, so he should then seek out and talk to the player. Theres just one issue. (And I believe it may the cause of my problems) He is up on a catwalk, that the player can never reach. So the navmesh I placed under the player and the navmesh under the NPC are not connected. Would this cause the NPC to not know 'where' the player is? Thus standing there doing nothing? The one weird thing is even when I use 'tcl' to fly up to the catwalk, and then make the NPC 'evp' again, he still will not speak to me. I have checked all the placement of things, conditions, check boxes and whatnot, he should not be doing this. Would it be that the navmeshes are not connected? Can anyone suggest what might be wrong here? Thanks for any pointers...
I'll probably fix this 10 seconds after I post, dispite looking for a solution for a weeks, (while working on other things as too)