Another idea came to mind earlier, and I think this is the most successful one. Having the ability to write with a Parchment, Inkwell and Quill. It wouldn't do anything IN-GAME but it would be fantastic for Console Roleplayers. Yes or No?
Stuff like that is more suited to the DS imho, it's designed for that sort of thing. Being able to put more than a single marker on your map, now that would be simple and useful.
I use Kyoma's Journal mod for Oblivion and I often write notes in game. That way, when I play after month or more I have reminders there for me, in game.
This would be kinda nice, but personally I'd use parchment to make your own scrolls, then just have a personal notes section in the journal. What I'd really like is the ability to add as many markers and notes as you want to the map.
This would be kinda nice, but personally I'd use parchment to make your own scrolls, then just have a personal notes section in the journal. What I'd really like is the ability to add as many markers and notes as you want to the map.
I could be being really dense, but why dont you just jot stuff down on a bit of paper?
Because this would be in game so no losing paper or notebook and if you like to play in dark, you can type notes without turning on light, while for writing I prefer having lamp on.
But main reason is that it is in game and it wouldn't get lost.
This would be awesome. Very immersive, which is the utmost thing Beth should be focusing on. I'd love for my mage characters to be able to conduct studies and record their findings.
Alternatively they have a keyboard pad that goes under the controller which is easy enough to use.
I'd definitely like something like this in game.
Or you can plug in a cheap USB keyboard, which I do. Taking notes in game would be simple and awesome, there is really no reason not to have it as a feature. (Plus some kind of .txt/.rtf export function would be useful for LPs or RP threads. Even better, let save games be easily transferable too )
Writing notes? yeah sure, sounds good Allows you to write your own little stuff from time to time, instead of only the all ready writen journal in the game.
Sometimes I can't play for long periods of time, and mods that allow me to keep a journal for my character help me enormously to get into her/his mindset.
Also, I guess it would be a pretty minor effort for the devs to include such a feature.
I could be being really dense, but why dont you just jot stuff down on a bit of paper?
because its way better to have an actual in game note/book than a real paper that will be lost eventually, and its a COMPUTER GAME, not a paper game so typing words on blank in game paper should be the easiest thing to do, I believe morrowind had this !! I used to make magic scrolls with it