Having a problem with one of the last Main Quests *SPOILER A

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:54 pm

Hey guys.

So, having explored and done all other quests I have found in the game, I have been working my way through the main quests, and I am now at the stage where I have trapped Odavhiin in Dragonsreach and I have interrogated him. I am now supposed to release the trap and talk to him so that he will fly me to where I need to go, but as soon as I release the trap and he is free, the Jarl of Whiterun and his allies will attack the dragon and he wont talk to me. I have tried to defeat him but he still refuses to talk, he just sits there and after a while he starts attacking back again. I looked at the quest @ uesp and it says that the quest might bug so that he wont talk to me after releasing him from the trap, but the console command doesnt do me anything. What to do?
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:26 pm

Wrong section for this, this isn't General Discussion. Anyway, when I did it I had to talk to the Jarl first about it, and then talk to the guard, and you should hear the Jarl say something about how it's part of the plan. Once he's released he should turn around, and you can't talk to him until he's reached the edge of the balcony. If it ain't working once he's there, reload an old save (yeah, that tired advice, I know). If you don't have an earlier save... well crap man! You're playing a Bethesda game! Save often!!!
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Elea Rossi
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:27 am

Oops, was supposed to be in the general discussion, sorry about that. And yes, I save very often, so that aint a problem. I have tried several times, loaded back and tried again etc. Also, yes, the Jarl says to his people that its all a part of my (dragonborn's) plans and all that but they still attack it. Oh well, no rush.
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