Having a serious shadow issue

Post » Fri Dec 05, 2014 11:33 pm

So I'm running Skyrim on a pretty low end machine, according to "canyourunit" I should not be able to run Skyrim, however I'm a rebel and I'm doing it anyways. It runs smooth on lowest settings and doesn't have hardly any issues...

Except for the shadows. I have no idea what's going on with them. For instance, I'm walking towards Riverwood, and the shadows go dark than bright, and dark than bright, than there's white lines all over the place. Come to find out, it's when a tree gets between me and the sun. I go under the bridge/walkway in Riverwood and same thing happens, the entire town is in like a shadow with white lines and stuff until I leave from under the bridge.

Dungeons are extremely dark from this shadow problem as well to the point where I couldn't even complete the riverwood trader quest because of them.

Any ideas how to fix this stupid issue? Again I'm on lowest settings. I've checked the mod's I have installed and they aren't the problem...

Please help, thanks

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Post » Fri Dec 05, 2014 10:45 pm

The problem could be that your PC doesn't meet or just barely meets the minimum system requirements for the game. It's very unlikely that you can run the game with mods under these circumstances.

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