Does anyone else have this problem? My existing dark elf, Balamus Daynes, is around level fifty. Whenever I try to create a new character, nothing can recapture the spark of enjoyment I've gotten out of playing as him. What can I do?
Does anyone else have this problem? My existing dark elf, Balamus Daynes, is around level fifty. Whenever I try to create a new character, nothing can recapture the spark of enjoyment I've gotten out of playing as him. What can I do?
Yeah I have that problem. Eventually the game is gonna force me to start over anyway, with my chars save file getting up there in size(18mb atm). Over 13,000 kills all together, and just about all content finished, hard to let her go.
Keep playing your character Sir. Even if you reload a very early save and do it all differently.
You have created lightning in a bottle - the RP mother lode.
I have never been able to recapture it with another character, so my advice.
Don't bother. Enjoy the product of your good choices.
Aaaannnnndddddd.... back to the compound I go....
Is Balamus also your first character? I know that feel. Unfortunately, I have this habit of quickly saving, and not looking what I'm overwriting...Bye lvl 73 Altmer.
What part made you excited the most? I think that Balamus is unique. Trying to "re-capture" that character, might not always work.
Try a character that's the complete opposite of Balamus(or something you haven't tried yet).
Do NOT fast travel. Fast travelling isn't a great option to re-create a spark. Show your character through the dangers of the wild. Running for his/her life because of a sudden Snow Bear. I just got out of the ruins past Nimhe, and I was literally swarmed by Falmer(around 6-8 of 'em). I had to keep running away, shoot fireballs, run. I almost died.
It created some sort of spark. Knowing my character just survived a total onslaught.
I NEVER improve my hitpoints when levelling up. And add that along with a squishy mage = danger everywhere.
You could also tell what you enjoyed doing. Why did Balamus create a spark? What was the cause?
I've ran out of things to do though, so any suggestions as to what next? Any quest recommendations perhaps?
My dark elf is not my first character, but after numerous playthroughs he's the first one to breakthrough level 25. I think it is because a dark elf was a race I had never tried before and I also used some skills which I had never done before. E.g. enchanting. Mainly though, I think my real enjoyment of him was simply because getting to the higher levels meant I experienced lots of new stuff.
Try to collect every "rare" item. Have you ever fought with the Knife and Fork weapons? I forgot where to find them, I'll edit this post later.
Enchant them to become weapons of total annihilation! Backstab them in their backs with your fork!
But seriously, exploration might send you to an epic unmarked location. Skyrim's been out for two years, but you can bet there's something hidden somewhere.
Well, you could create an Altmer/Bosmer(or any race you haven't tried) and play upon their stereotypes.
Khajit for thieving, and the like. You could also make that
I already did an altmer or bosmer, so I wouldn't do them, but I understand your suggestion regardless.
I did try a Captain America build, unarmed and a shield in one hand.
Why delete them? I'm on xbox and have probably about a dozen different save files for different characters and still have my first character saved at the bottom of the list even though I should let him go soon as he hasn't been played since last year.
I wasn't going to get rid of him, but I feel done with him, yet no new character I start feels good enough to replace him.
I have that problem. What I do is just delete the file. Don't think about it. Just delete it. Otherwise you will keep going back. DO IT NOW!
I have the opposite problem
Anywhere between level 20-40 ideas for a new character and how they'd work, what they'd do etc keep getting stronger and stronger
Despite over 2200 hours (according to Steam plus I play offline ocasionally) I've never got past about level 50
I hear you, if you love him that much then why not remake him and retell his story? To make him new then perhaps you can play him differently unless it was the RP and style you love....I somewhat did that with my fav but I ended up changing some aspects for round 2 so he felt familiar yet fresh at the same time.
Hey, you got mods.
Play as a demonic child with arm like tendrils to wreak havoc upon Skyrim! Or get a complete overhaul with a completely different storyline(if that has been done, of course)
Edit: Create a Hold guard. That got me interested for a loooong time. My level 45 Whiterun guard has done alot. Defeating ... And realizing he's the ... scared him and he didn't leave Whiterun city for three weeks.
Roleplaying's a great option.
It's an idea, I suppose. But, I'm not a fan of it, to be honest. He's got a little bit left of him, especially if I buy Dragonborn (haven't yet).
Yes buy DB and get another 30-40 hours out of him, while your doing that start thinking about your next character.
Same here.
Got Skyrim since release, still playing(not actively, but still playing)
Another option is to let skyrim gather dust, and play after a few weeks. By that time, you start thinking about what you want to create, and then go for it. Works every time.
Does Dragonborn seriously add another 30-40 hours playtime?
Yes, don't rush the storyline and just explore.
Try mixing the new alchemy ingredients, mess around with the new enchantments...And some really cool throwing weapons(gathering those ingredients, figuring out the right combination of materials also adds some hours) no to forget the dungeons and really tough enemies.
Did for me. I like to take it slowly though and check out literally everything and leave no stone unturned. Guess it comes down to how you play.
Dragonborn is especially perfect if you have a glorious Dunmer master race character. So much side content on Solstheim and so many great Dunmer NPCs.
I intended to keep him to playthrough Dragonborn (since that has a lot of high level stuff anyway), but start a new character in the mean time. Of course, that has (as discussed in the thread) proved problematic.
You think thats bad, i couldnt get Steam to update, so I tried reinstalling it, only to find out that it seems to have completely uninstalled Skyrim along with it. My two longest running characters, my ranger and dunmer mystic warrior are all gone.
Im playing with the same character since Morrownd, and I cant nor want let it go. Probably I will use him on TES6 also. So, for experience, its not bad. Its been 10 years with him around now, and I will miss him if I let it go.