Enchanting: I can't hit ENTER and have it accept the fact that I want to select "YES" for crafting something. I have to move my mouse over and actually select it.
Training: If I decide to quickly spam the mouse click over a skill to be trained from an NPC I have to actually wait for it to stop leveling up all of my skills I just learned before selecting a new option otherwise it tries to go back into training.
mouse detection is off. When I use the mouse wheel and try to select dialogue options sometimes it doesn't even pick up. Sometimes the highlighted text get's stuck on an option I don't want and I either have to tab out and try again or use the mouse wheel up and down a few times, almost like you have to jostle it free from being stuck. As a side note I would have to say I really dislike how difficult it is to see what option you are on if the text is grey and darkened (dialogue I have already heard).
Inventory: When I try to add items to my chests in the home, give items to followers or sell items to a shop keep sometimes my mouse will be RIGHT OVER "apparel" or "weapons" or any other category I want to select and it will make me cancel out like I hit TAB when I didn't. It doesn't always detect it.
Anyone else have these problems? Anyone have these same issues on the consoles as well or is this a PC thing?